Requisitos para la especialidad JA de Dibujo vectorial
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
División Sudamericana
1. ¿Qué es el dibujo vectorial?
2. Nombrar tres programas especializados para hacer dibujos vectoriales.
3. Nombrar cinco formatos más comunes de dibujos vectoriales.
4. ¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre la trama y el dibujo vectorial?
5. Explicar cómo un dibujo vectorial puede mantener la calidad cuando es ampliado
6.What is the Bézier curve? What is its importance for the structure of a vector drawing?
What are the main differences between a bitmap editor and a vector image editor? Give two examples of each type of editor.
Choose a vector drawing program and explain why you chose it. Show your instructor:
- a.
Five or more mouse or keyboard shortcuts in the chosen program.
- b.
Present and demonstrate the use of 20 different tools.
Complete the following drawings:
- a.
The emblem of the Pathfinder Club, showing the use of guidelines and rulers.
- b.
A drawing of your choice showing the use of the "free-hand" tool.
- c.
An animal showing the use of details.
- d.
A poster, banner or outreach pamphlets (triptychs, diptychs) of any event in your club or church.
- e.
Transform a photo of a face into a vector drawing, using the necessary tools, such as bitmap tracker, transparency filter, etc.
Present the drawings made to complete this honor and with the approval of professionals in this area, visiting a specialist or publishing the works in a social network or specialized forum. After completing the activity, present to your instructor the comments, approvals and proposals made by the professionals regarding corrections and changes in your drawing.