Requisitos para la especialidad JA de Ester y gourmet de cocina
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación de Florida
1. ¿Qué acto desobediente del Rey Saúl fue la causa directa del problema en el libro de Ester? ¿Por qué? (1 Samuel 15:3, 7-9; Ester 3:1; Profetas y Reyes capítulo 49)
2. Leer el libro de Ester. Tener un entendimiento de las conexiones históricas entre 1 Samuel 9:1 y 2, 10:1, y el libro de Ester. ¿Cuáles son los contrastes entre Rut y Ester? (Rut y Ester son los únicos 2 libros en la Biblia nombrados por mujeres) (Rut 3:1-6; Ester 4:13-16; Rut 3:8-13; Ester 6:1-10)
3. ¿Cuál era la relación entre Ester y Mardoqueo? ¿Por qué ella estaba debajo de su cuidado? (Ester 2:7)
4. ¿Quién es el protagonista de la historia de Ester? Defender su respuesta.
5.Why did Esther become Queen? Esther 1:10-12, 15-19; 2:8, 15-17
What was the cause of Haman’s deep hatred of Mordecai? What did he do about it? Esther 3:1-13
What did Esther ask Mordecai to do before she went into King Ahasuerus? What great statement did she make? Esther 4:16
Why is Esther a heroine in this story? Esther 4:15-16
Describe how Esther brought her problem to the King’s attention and the outcome of those events. Esther 5:1-8; 6:1-10
What happened to Haman on the night between the two banquets prepared by Queen Esther? Esther 5:9—6:1-10
How was the edict to kill all the Jews in Persia overcome? Whey did they have to write another law? Esther 8:8-12
How many sons did Haman have? What happened to them? Esther 9:10, 13, 14
What is the ultimate outcome of the saga of Esther? Esther chapters 9 & 10
How many times is God mentioned in the book of Esther?
What is the most striking correlation between Esther’s time and ours? PK pp.605-606
Know how to set a table and fold a cloth napkin for a formal banquet. Be able to prepare the following: punch, a simple desert of strawberries dipped in chocolate, and a salad with each of the following: apple bird, dumbbell-slivered carrots in black olives, egg frog, and radish/tomato roses. Arrange the salad items on a plate and drizzle with raspberry vinaigrette.