Especialidades JA/Briófitas/Requisitos
Nível de Habilidade
Autoridade de Aprovação
Divisão Sul Americana
1. O que significa a palavra briófita?
Name four characteristics of that group of plants.
Identify at a glance, or through pictures, the rhizoids, caulalia and phyllodes.
Research and draw the life cycle of a bryophyte.
Why do bryophytes have a high dependence on water?
In what kind of environment are bryophytes found?
What is the popular name used to identify the group?
How do bryophyites absorb water? What is the relationship between plant size and water absorption?
Complete the following activities:
- a.
Observe at least one type of bryophyte in its habitat with a magnifying glass. Make a report of what was observed.
- b.
Make a collection of photos or images of at least ten different types of bryophytes.