AY Honor Predatory Plants

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Predatory Plants

Skill Level






Approval authority

North American Division

Predatory Plants
Skill Level
Approval authority
North American Division
Year of Introduction


These aren't your grandmother's regular house plants! Many predatory plants are known for being able to trap and ingest other creatures! Did you know that after a tiny insect touches a bladderwort’s trigger hairs and is sucked in to be devoured, it takes the plant only 30 minutes or less to reset its trap. Discover in this honor all the different types of traps and ways that predatory plants can capture their prey!

The Challenging Part

The most challenging requirement of this honor is probably this:

9. Observe in person three predatory flowering plants in nature, botanical garden or nursery. Obtain one specimen and maintain it for a minimum of two months. Make written observations about the plant’s care and feeding.