NAD Pilot for Grasslands Requirements

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NAD Pilot for Grasslands

Skill Level






Approval authority

North American Division

No Patch.png
NAD Pilot for
Skill Level

1. What is a grassland? Where can they be found?

2. What is required for a grassland to form? Why are they important?

3. Name the two types of grasslands.

4. Name ten different animals, birds or insects that can be found in grasslands, and describe how they are specially designed to live there. Draw or photograph them.

5. What types of grasses grow in a grassland environment? Describe, photograph, or draw five different species.

6. How do grasslands benefit us?

7. Select a grassland and discover the following:

8. Create a list of potential dangers that are associated with grasslands. Discuss how each of these can avoided.

9. How have humans affected the grasslands in the past? How do they affect it today?

10. Why should grasslands be protected? With your group, discuss a conservation project focusing on the protection of this habitat.

11. Tell a story about something you learned while studying grasslands and draw a spiritual lesson from it.

12. Do one of the following:

13. Do at least two of the following: