AY Honor Eight Keys to Good Health Requirements
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Australian Union
The Bible teaches that humans are holistic beings, made up of body, mind and the breath of life from God. For that reason, our health is important to God and it’s important to share with others how to be healthy as we share God’s love.
“The history of the Advent movement has been characterised by a dual ministry. Health and temperance work has always been a part of world evangelism. Many important reforms in healthful living are recognised as being closely interwoven with the Advent gospel message. Pointing the way to a full observance of God’s law has included the recognition of the laws of health.” (Ellen G. White, CME 5. 3).
The belief that a person’s moral, mental and physical health are closely intertwined comes from the book of Genesis, chapters 1 and 2. Long before sin entered the world, God created a perfect environment for human beings to live and thrive in. It contained everything their bodies, minds and spirits needed for good health, happiness and longevity. When we study these two chapters we can find 8 laws of health which, if we apply them to our lives today, form “keys” which we can use to unlock the best life, happiness, wellness and performance our bodies can possibly have today, even in this sin-sick world. Let’s find out what these keys are!
Write down 3 daily practices you already know about that are good for your health.
1. Healthy Nutrition - Read Genesis 1:11-12, 27, 29-30; 2:9, 16
- Write a healthy plant-based meal plan for tomorrow’s breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack.
2. Healthy Water - Read Genesis 2:10-14
- Go and grab a cup, bottle or glass of water right now and take a long, deep drink! Write how it felt as the water moved from your mouth to your stomach. Was it good or bad? Did anything change in your body, brain or how you think or see things when you drank the water? How does your body respond to such a simple action?
3. Healthy Spirituality - Read Genesis 2:1-3
- Spend 15 minutes all by yourself outside somewhere in nature. Think about the trees, grass, flowers and/or animals you can see. Feel the sun and/or wind. Think about the God who created it all just for you. Talk to Him. You are spending time with God. Write how it felt to do this. Is it something you would like to do regularly?
4. Healthy Abstention - Read Proverbs 20:1
- Write a personal pledge statement outlining your decision about your future regarding the use of drugs and alcohol. It might look something like this: “I _________ pledge by the grace of God to keep my body drug and alcohol free both now and always. Signed_________.” (Only sign it if you mean it…)
5. Healthy Rest - Read Genesis 1:5; 2:2, 21
- Either research (or learn from your leader) a new mind and body relaxation routine that might help you to get to sleep if you are struggling to drop off tonight. Describe it.
6. Healthy Air - Read Genesis 1:7-8, 11-12; 2:7
- Stand somewhere out in nature and take five deep breaths. Write how it made you feel. Think about what happened in your body as you breathed. Did you notice any changes?
7. Healthy Sunlight - Read Genesis 1:16-18
- Sit alone in the sun for 2 minutes. Feel the sunlight on your face. Describe how it felt. Did it improve your mood? Why do you think that is?
8. Healthy Work/Exercise - Read Genesis 2:15, 19-20
- Write a 5 minute workout program that you could easily do at home if you had some spare time. It should include 5 x 1 minute or 10 x 30 second rounds of some easy exercises that you know and can do without any special equipment, like star jumps, sit-ups or squats.
Write down 3 daily practices you have learned about that are good for your health.