AY Honors/Chocolate/Requirements/fr
From Pathfinder Wiki
1. Décrit le processus pour transformer les fèves de cacao en chocolat
2. Liste six bénéfices pour la santé du chocolat
3. Discutez des différences entre le chocolat au lait, le chocolat doux, le chocolat amer, le chocolat blanc et la caroube.
4.List ten uses of chocolate in recipes.
State the proper storage for chocolate.
Discuss the properties of chocolate at:
- a.
cold temperatures
- b.
warm temperatures
- c.
hot temperatures
- d.
very hot temperatures
Make two of the following:
- a.
Chocolate egg
- b.
Chocolate bunny
- c.
Chocolates with soft centres
- d.
Chocolate brownies
- e.
Chocolate chip cookies
Demonstrate the correct way of melting chocolate.
Answer the question posed in Judges 14:18.