Respuestas para la especialidad JA de Drones

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Nivel de destreza






Autoridad de aprobación

División Norteamericana

Drones AY Honor.png
Actividades vocacionales
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
División Norteamericana
Año de introducción


Descubrir y describir una breve historia de los drones y el vuelo no tripulado.

Breakthroughs in transistor technology during the 1960s, enabled radio-controlled components to be miniaturized enough to be sold to civilian customers at a reasonable cost. This led the way for adoption of remote controlled, non-piloted, vehicles by hobbyists (individuals flying for fun, non-commercial and non-military purposes). 1990-2010 was a pivotal period for military and civilian drone development, with the introduction of mini and micro versions of UAVs in 1990. The last 10 years have seen a huge explosion in drone innovation and commercial interest. While prior to this, drones were primarily used for military purposes or hobbyists, beginning in the early-2010s, a host of new applications for drone technology emerged.

Based on their weight, drones can be classified into five categories — nano (weighing up to 250 g/ 0.55 lbs), Micro air vehicles (MAV) (250 g - 2 kg / less than 4.4 lbs), Miniature UAV or small (SUAV) (2-25 kg/55 lbs), medium (25-150 kg), and large (over 150 kg/330 lbs). Drones are also classified by the application or use of the drone. For example:


Identificar los siguientes componentes de un dron y describir cómo funcionan juntos para que un dron vuele:


Hélices y motores


Controlador electrónico de velocidad (ESC)


Controlador de vuelo


Sistema de Posicionamiento Global (GPS)




Receptor y transmisor de control remoto (RC)




Aprender al menos diez procedimientos básicos de seguridad para operadores de drones recreativos. Identificar cuáles de estas normas se deben a leyes o reglamentos de su estado/provincia/territorio.


Revisar las normas y reglamentos vigentes para pilotos de drones recreativos en su área local (como la FAA o la TCAA).


Aprender a aprobar la certificación obligatoria TRUST de la FAA o TCAA (o su equivalente) para pilotos de drones recreativos.


Explicar por qué es importante tener en cuenta los siguientes aspectos al seleccionar un dron para uso recreativo:


Tiempo de vuelo/duración de la batería




Disponibilidad de repuestos

Purchase a few spare parts at the same time as the drone so that you have them when you need them. Crashing a drone is a very real possibility and you should plan for such occurrences. Some of the most important spare parts include the propellers, landing gear, motors, batteries, and controllers.


Sistema de Posicionamiento Global (GPS)


Comprar del lugar adecuado


Encontrar fotos y vídeos de drones en seis aplicaciones comerciales (no militares) que le ayudarán a descubrir interesantes ejemplos de tecnología de drones, posibles oportunidades de servicio y carreras profesionales en el sector de los drones.

Be prepared to show them to your Pathfinder Club coordinator.


Leer Isaías 55:9-11, donde Dios dice que sus caminos son más altos que los nuestros. Discutir cómo el hecho de que Dios vea las cosas a un nivel superior beneficia a las personas. ¿Cómo beneficia esta perspectiva diferente a un operador de drones?


Utilizando imágenes aéreas de drones, como individuo o club, cree una película para su uso en la evangelización u otros fines ministeriales. Asegúrese de seguir todos los requisitos legales en el uso de las imágenes de drones.


Después de obtener su certificación, realice las siguientes maniobras básicas con un dron:
Drone Remote Controller.png
Throttle up Drone flies upwards
Throttle down Drone fliesdownwards (also used to land the drone)
Yaw left Drone flies left (reversed if the front of the drone faces you)
Yaw right Drone flies right (reversed if the front of the drone faces you)
Pitch down Drone flies forward (reversed if the front of the drone faces you)
Pitch up Drone flies backward (reversed if the front of the drone faces you)
Roll left Drone rotates 360-degrees clockwise
Roll right Drone rotates 360-degrees counterclockwise

What you will need to complete this requirement

  • Complete the review of the tutorial video on YouTube.
  • Copy of your FAA TRUST certificate or its equivalent to show to your Pathfinder club coordinator.
  • A drone. If you have not bought a drone yet, use the drone provided by your Pathfinder club.
  • A portable foldable drone landing pad for RC drones - Universal Waterproof 75 cm/30 inch prepared by your Pathfinder club coordinator.
  • Secure the portable foldable drone landing pad to the ground, either with the stakes or a heavy object placed on the three tabs. The center of the landing pad should be 4-6 feet away from the place where the drone pilot will stand. Portable foldable drone landing pad for RC drones (Universal Waterproof 75 cm/30 inch) is available through online retailers like Amazon.


Despegue y aterrizaje
  • Place the drone on the blue dot/center of the portable foldable drone landing pad, with the front of the drone facing away from the pilot.
  • Consult the user guide for the drone to learn how to power-up the remote control transmitter and the drone to get the drone in the air.
  • Follow all safety procedures learned when you completed the requirement for the 10 most important safety procedures for recreational drone operators.
  • Once airborne, the only control you need for this step is the throttle on the remote control transmitter. Push the throttle (left stick) up very slowly until the drone reaches eye-level altitude (height above the ground) over the blue dot/center of the portable foldable drone landing pad.
  • Stop, release the throttle, and let the drone hover for 1-2 mins. Gently pull the throttle down to the lowest point and let the drone land.
  • Release the throttle when the propellers stop spinning.

Repeat this multiple times and until you are comfortable with the remote control transmitter throttle's sensitivity.


Vuelo hacia delante y hacia atrás
  • Follow the steps to take-off and hover the drone at eye-level altitude over the blue dot/center of the portable foldable drone landing pad.
  • Gently (very slight movement of the fingers) push the right stick on the remote control transmitter forward to fly the drone a couple of feet forward.
  • Stop, release the stick and allow the drone to hover for 1-2 mins.
  • Gently (very slight movement of the fingers) pull the right stick on the remote control transmitter backwards to return the drone (reverse flight) to its original position, over the blue dot/center of the portable foldable drone landing pad.
  • Stop and let the drone hover for 1-2 mins.
  • Gently pull the throttle down to the lowest point and let the drone land.
  • Release the throttle when the propellers stop spinning.

Pro tip: When you move in either direction, you will probably notice the drone dropping in altitude. To keep the drone at the same altitude (eye-level), very gently push the throttle up and give it more power whenever you turn or move.


Vuelo a izquierda y derecha
  • Follow the steps to take-off and hover the drone at eye-level altitude over the blue dot/center of the portable foldable drone landing pad.
  • Gently (very slight movement of the fingers) push the left stick on the remote control transmitter to the left to fly the drone a couple of feet to the left.
  • Release the stick and allow the drone to hover for 1-2 mins.
  • Gently (very slight movement of the fingers) pull the left stick on the remote control transmitter to the right to return the drone to its original position, over the blue dot/center of the portable foldable drone landing pad.
  • Stop, release the throttle and let the drone hover for 1-2 mins.
  • Gently (very slight movement of the fingers) push the left stick on the remote control transmitter to the right to fly the drone a couple of feet to the right.
  • Release the stick and allow the drone to hover for 1-2 mins.
  • Gently (very slight movement of the fingers) pull the left stick on the remote control transmitter to the left to return the drone to its original position, over the blue dot/center of the portable foldable drone landing pad.
  • Release the stick and allow the drone to hover for 1-2 mins.
  • Gently pull the throttle down to the lowest point and let the drone land.
  • Release the throttle when the propellers stop spinning.

Get comfortable taking-off, flying the drone forward/reverse, left/right, and landing the drone.


Rotación de 360 grados
  • Follow the steps to take-off and hover the drone at eye-level altitude over the blue dot/center of the portable foldable drone landing pad.
  • Gently (very slight movement of the fingers) push the right stick on the remote control transmitter to the left to slowly fly the drone in a 360-degree counterclockwise rotation. Return the drone to its original position, the back of the drone facing you.
  • Release the stick and allow the drone to hover for 1-2 mins.
  • Gently (very slight movement of the fingers) push the right stick on the remote control transmitter to the right to slowly fly the drone in a 360-degree clockwise rotation. Return the drone to its original position, the back of the drone facing you.
  • Release the stick and allow the drone to hover for 1-2 mins.
  • Gently pull the throttle down to the lowest point and let the drone land.
  • Release the throttle when the propellers stop spinning.

Pro tip: When you move in either direction, you will probably notice the drone dropping in altitude. To keep the drone at the same altitude (eye-level), very gently push the throttle up and give it more power whenever you turn or move.
