Distinctions JA/Noeuds/Conditions
1. Définir les termes suivants:
- a. Ganse
- b. Courant
- c. Dormant
- d. Boucle en sous-main
- e. Boucle à l'envers
- f. Tour
- g. Noeud de jonction
- h. Attelage
- i. Épissure
- j. Noeud d'extrémité
2. Savoir comment entretenir une corde.
3.Describe the difference between laid rope and braided rope and list three uses of each.
Identify the following types of rope:
- a.
- b.
- c.
- d.
What are some advantages and disadvantages of synthetic rope?
Do the following to rope:
- a.
- b.
Eye splice
- c.
Back splice
- d.
Finish the end of a rope with a double crown, whipping, or a Matthew Walker's knot.
Make a six-foot piece of three-strand twisted rope from native materials or twine.
From memory tie at least 20 of the following knots and know their common uses and limitations. Demonstrate how they are used.
- a.
Anchor bend
- b.
- c.
Bowline on a bight
- d.
Butterfly loop knot or Alpine butterfly knot
- e.
Carrick bend
- f.
Cat's paw
- g.
Clove hitch
- h.
Constrictor knot
- i.
Crown knot
- j.
Double bow
- k.
Double sheetbend
- l.
Figure eight
- m.
Fisherman's bend
- n.
Fisherman's loop
- o.
Halter hitch
- p.
Hunter's bend
- q.
Lariat or Bowstring knot
- r.
Lark's head
- s.
Man harness knot
- t.
Miller's knot
- u.
Packer's knot
- v.
Pipe hitch
- w.
Prusik knot
- x.
- y.
Sheet bend
- z.
Slip knot
- aa.
Slipped half hitch
- bb.
Slipped sheet bend
- cc.
Square knot
- dd.
Stevedore's knot
- ee.
Strangle knot
- ff.
Surgeon's knot
- gg.
Taut-line hitch
- hh.
Timber hitch
- ii.
Two half hitches
Make a knot board showing 25 or more knots.