AY Honors/Nutrition - Advanced/Answer Key/es

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Nutrición - Avanzado
Asociación General

Artes Domésticas

Destreza: 3
Año de introducción: 1986


1. Tener la especialidad de Nutrición.

Véase Nutrición para consejos e instrucciones.

2. Leer un libro sobre la nutrición.

3. Mantener un diario de lo que comes durante una semana.

4. Calcular la cantidad total de nutrientes de los siguientes elementos en la dieta de cada día:

a. Calorías

b. Proteínas

c. Hierro

d. Calcio

e. Vitamina A

f. Tiamina

g. Riboflavina

h. Niacina

i. Vitamina C o ácido ascórbico

5. How do the number of nutrients in your diet compare with the Recommended Daily Allowance chart?

The USDA's ChooseMyPlate.gov web site will compare your nutrient intake with the RDA chart.

6. Explain why a high fiber diet is important, and tell how this can be obtained.

Fiber promotes the wavelike contractions that keep food moving through the intestine. Also, high-fiber foods expand the inside walls of the colon. This eases the passage of waste. Fibrous substances pass through the intestine undigested. They also absorb many times their weight in water, resulting in softer, bulkier stools. Insoluble fiber is found in wheat, rye, bran, and other grains. It is also the fiber found in most vegetables. See [1]

7. Name three diseases due to malnutrition, and describe the symptoms of each.


Scurvy is a disease that results from insufficient intake of vitamin C and leads to the formation of livid spots on the skin, spongy gums, and bleeding from almost all mucous membranes. The spots are most abundant on the thighs and legs, and a person with the ailment looks pale, feels depressed, and is partially immobilized. Scurvy was at one time common among sailors whose ships were out to sea longer than perishable fruits and vegetables could be stored and by soldiers who were similarly separated from these foods for extended periods.

8. What are the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency?

Early, noticeable symptoms of Overt B12 Deficiency: Unusual fatigue, faulty digestion, no appetite, nausea, loss of menstruation. Also numbness and tingling of the hands and feet, nervousness, diarrhea, mild depression,etc. See [2]

9. What advice would you give a person who decided to be a total vegetarian?


10. What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats? Which is the most healthful, and why?

Saturated fats and trans fatty acids are the kinds of fats most likely to cause heart disease. Saturated fats are found mainly in animal products (eggs, butter, cheese, whole milk, and whole milk products), and in coconut, palm, and palm kernel oil. Trans fatty acids appear in foods containing hydrogenated fats like margarine and crackers. To reduce the risk of heart disease, replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats like canola oil, olive oil, flax seed oil, nuts, avocado, soy products, and nut butters. Choose margarine, cookies, crackers, and snack foods that do not contain hydro-genated fats (read the label). See [3]

11. Why is it advisable to use less sugar in the diet? List several ways in which this may be accomplished.

There are a several reasons why sugar is ruining your health: Sugar can suppress the immune system; Sugar leads to cancer of the ovaries; Sugar can cause heart disease; Sugar can cause appendicitis; Sugar can cause multiple sclerosis; Sugar can increase cholesterol; Sugar can increase the systolic blood pressure; Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children; Sugar can contribute to Alzheimer’s disease; Sugar can lead to prostrate cancer; Sugar can cause liver tumors; etc. [4]

12. What are amino acids? How many are needed to make all the proteins in the body? What is meant by essential amino acids? How many of them are essential? Where can you get all the essential amino acids?

Definition of Essential Amino acids
the nine a-amino acids required for protein synthesis that cannot be synthesized by humans and must be obtained in the diet: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.

Note: http://www.google.com enter definition essential amino acids to get this and other related definitions! [5]

13. Know the difference between water and fat soluble vitamins. What are two common vitamins that are fat soluble? What are two vitamins that are water soluble?

The fat soluble vitamins are soluble in lipids (fats). These vitamins are usually absorbed in fat globules (called chylomicrons) that travel through the lymphatic system of the small intestines and into the general blood circulation within the body. These fat soluble vitamins, especially vitamins A and E, are then stored in body tissues. Two common vitamins that are fat soluble (A, D, E, and K). Two vitamins that are water soluble (B and C). It determines how each vitamin acts within the body. [6]

14. Using the book Counsels on Diet and Foods by Ellen G. White, write a paragraph on the benefits of a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet.

Use the "search the writings" feature on http://www.egwestate.org
