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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)</noinclude>
<!-- 8. Name at least 20 species of antelope that you have observed and can identify out-of-doors, not more than 5 of which are in captivity. -->
{{AY Honors/Problematic requirement
|This requirement restricts the honor to Pathfinders living in selected parts of Africa, or those that can afford a game safari. This goes against the principle of making honors accessible to all Pathfinders. 
|Name at least 20 species of antelope that you have observed and can identify out-of-doors, in a zoo or on video without referring to signs or labels.
Now you know why this honor was specific to the East-Africa Division when first introduced.
 h Spanish (es)</noinclude>
<!-- 8. Nombrar al menos 20 especies de antílopes que haya observado y que puede identificar al aire libre, no más de cinco de los cuales están en cautiverio. -->