All translations

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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)'''Eagle, Buzzard, Kite, Falcon, Raven, Ostrich, Owl, Sea Gull, Hawk, Little Owl, Cormorant, Great Owl, White Owl, Pelican, Vulture, Stork, Heron, and Hoopoe'''- {{bible link|Leviticus 11:13-19}}
 h Spanish (es)'''Águila, quebrantahuesos, azor, gallinazo, milano, cuervo, avestruz, lechuza, gaviota, gavilán, búho, somormujo, ibis, calamón, pelícano, buitre, cigüeña, garza, abubilla'''- {{bible link|Levítico 11:13-19}}