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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)</noinclude>
<!-- 5. Identify on a bird's wing the primaries, secondaries, coverts, axillars, and alulae. -->
[[Image:Underwing.svg|thumb|400px|1 Axillaries<br>
2 Margin (Marginal underwing coverts)<br>
3 Lesser underwing coverts<br>
4 Median underwing coverts (Secondary coverts)<br>
5 Greater underwing coverts (Secondary coverts)<br>
6 Carpal joint<br>
7 Lesser underwing primary coverts<br>
8 Greater undering primary coverts<br>
9 Secondaries<br>
10 Primaries]]
;Alulae: The alulea (singular is ''alula'') are small projections on the leading edge of the wing near the carpal joint (6). They are actually one of the bird's digits, and are typically covered with three to five small feathers, with the exact number depending on the species. Like the larger flight feathers found on the wing's trailing edge, these alula feathers are asymmetrical, with the shaft running closer to leading edge.
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 h Spanish (es)</noinclude>
<!-- 5. Identificar en el ala de un ave, las alas primarias, las secundarias, las encubiertas, axilares y la álula. -->
[[File:BirdWingFeatherSketch-es.svg||600px|Partes del ala del ave]]