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 h English (en)Many plants with edible parts also have poisonous parts. The list below, though not exhaustive, features plants with poisonous parts (even though some may also feature edible parts).
*Buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae) - buckthorns
*Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) - buttercups, larkspur, baneberry, monkshood
*Carrot/parsley family (Apiaceae) - Water hemlock, Poison hemlock or fool's parsley
*Daisy family (Asteraceae/Compositae) (other than: Asters, Balsam root, Burdock, Chamomile, Chicory, Dandelion, Golden rod, Jerusalem artichoke, Oxeye daisy, Pineappleweed, Prickly lettuce, Salsify, Sow thistle, Thistle, Wild lettuce, Wild sun flower, etc.) - white snake root
*Dogbane/milkweed family (Apocynaceae) - dogbane, butterfly weed
*Legume family (Fabaceae) - Goat's rue, indigo, locust (seed pods), Lupine, Rattlebox
*Horsechestnut family (Hippocastanaceae) - horse chestnut
*Iris family (Iridaceae) - all are poisonous
*Lily family (Liliaceae)(other than: Avalanche lily, Camas, Day lily, Desert lily, Dogtooth violet, Indian cucumber, Leek, Tiger lily, Wild garlic, Wild onion, Yellow bells, etc.) - False Hellebore, Fly Poison, Star of Bethlehem, Deathcamas
*Mushrooms - many (not in the plant kingdom)
*Nightshade family (Solanaceae) - nightshade, tomato (leaves), potato (leaves)
*Poison Sumac/Oak/Ivy family (Rhus/Toxicodendron/Anacardiaceae) - poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac
*Rose family (Rosaceae) (other than: Apples, Pears, Hawthorn, Blackberry, Raspberry, Rose hips, etc. fruits) - cherry (leaves, seeds, bark)
*Soapwort family (Caryophyllaceae) - soapwort
*Grape family (Vitaceae) - Virginia creeper
*Yew family (Taxaceae) - yew
 h Spanish (es)Muchas plantas con partes comestibles también tienen partes venenosas. La siguiente lista, aunque no sea exhaustiva, cuenta con plantas con partes venenosas (aunque algunos también pueden presentar partes comestibles).
* Las ramnáceas
* Las ranunculáceas
* Las umbelíferas
* Las asteráceas/compuestas
* Las Apocynaceae
* Las fabáceas o leguminosas
* Las Hippocastanaceae 
* Las iridáceas
* Las liliáceas
* Los hongos - varios (no son plantas)
* Las solanáceas
* El zumaque o las Anacardiáceas
* Las rosáceas
* Las Caryophyllaceae
* Las Vitaceae
* Las taxáceas