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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Bettas are anabantoids, which means they can breathe atmospheric air thanks to a unique organ called the labyrinth. This accounts for their ability to thrive in low-oxygen water conditions that would kill most other fish, such as rice paddies, slow-moving streams, drainage ditches, and large puddles.
| range = The Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) is one of the most popular species of freshwater aquarium fish. It is native to the Mekong river basin in Southeast Asia.
| reproduction = The various bettas can be divided into two groups, based on their spawning behavior: some build bubble nests, like B. splendens, while others are mouthbrooders, like B. picta. The mouthbrooding species are sometimes called "pseudo bettas".
{{Species id
| common_name = Goby
| latin_name = Elacatinus
| image =Elacatinus evelynae.jpg
| caption = 
| description = Neon gobies are very small, torpedo-shaped fish. Although sizes vary slightly by species, they are generally about {{units|2.5 cm|1 inch}} long. They have dark bodies with iridescent stripes (the color of which varies by species) running from the tip of the nose to the base of the caudal fin. Like all gobies, their dorsal fin is split in two, the anterior dorsal fin being rounded like that of a clownfish and the posterior dorsal fin being relatively flat. The anal fin lines up with the posterior dorsal fin and is of similar shape. The pectoral fins are nearly circular, and, like all other fins, transparent.
 h Spanish (es){{clear}}
 h French (fr){{clear}}