All translations

From Pathfinder Wiki

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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)</noinclude>
<!-- 4. Know how to distinguish tuning pegs for nylon and steel strings; then disassemble, clean, and lubricate them to reassemble them. -->
 h Spanish (es)</noinclude>
<!-- 4. Saber distinguir clavijeros para cuerdas de nylon y acero; luego desmontarlas, limpiarlas y lubricarlas para volverlas a armar. -->
 h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)</noinclude>
<!-- 4. Saber distinguir tarraxas para cordas de náilon e aço e, em seguida, desmontá-las. limpá-las, lubrificá-las e montá-las. -->