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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)* Narrative: Tells a story
* Sonnet: Contains 14 lines, usually with 10 beats per line. Comes from the Italian word “sonetto”, meaning small or little song.
* Haiku: Japanese poetry containing 17 syllables. 1st line contains 5 syllables, 2nd contains 7, and the 3rd contains 5.
* Limerick: According to the dictionary, “a humorous, frequently bawdy, verse of three long and two short lines rhyming aabba, popularized by Edward Lear.”
* Epic: A long and serious poem about a specific event. Previously an important part of the histories of nations before writing.
* Couplet: Two lines of poetry, usually matching in rhythm and rhyme. Could stand alone as a poem, or be a part of a larger poem.
* Free Verse: Poem that does not use a steady rhythm or rhyme scheme.
* Acrostic: A poem in which the specific letters of each line make up a word or phrase.
* Ballad: A poem often derived from folklore, telling a story in short stanzas.
* Shape: A poem written describing an object and arranged so the words form the shape of the object being spoken of.
 h Spanish (es){{clear}}