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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en){{Bible verse
| book = Micah
| chapter = 3
| verse = 5-8
| version = NKJV
| text = "Thus says the Lord concerning the prophets
Who make my people stray;
Who chant “Peace”
While they chew with their teeth,
But who prepare war against him
Who puts nothing into their mouths:
'Therefore you shall have night without vision,
And you shall have darkness without divination;
The sun shall go down on the prophets,
And the day shall be dark for them.
So the seers shall be ashamed,
And the diviners abashed;
Indeed they shall all cover their lips;
For there is no answer from God.'
But truly I am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord,
And of justice and might,
To declare to Jacob his transgression
And to Israel his sin."
 h Spanish (es){{Bible verse
| book = Miqueas
| chapter = 3
| verse = 5-8
| version = RVR1995
| text =

5 »Así ha dicho Jehová acerca de los profetas que hacen errar a mi pueblo, y claman: “¡Paz!”, cuando tienen algo que comer, y al que no les da de comer, le declaran la guerra:

»Por eso, de la profecía se os hará noche,
y oscuridad del adivinar.
Sobre los profetas se pondrá el sol,
el día se oscurecerá sobre ellos.

Serán avergonzados los profetas
y se confundirán los adivinos.
Todos ellos cerrarán sus labios,
porque no hay respuesta de Dios.

Mas yo estoy lleno del poder del espíritu de Jehová,
de juicio y de fuerza,
para denunciar a Jacob su rebelión
y a Israel su pecado.