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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)</noinclude>
<!--  9. What kinds of animals were brought daily to the courtyard?  -->
A young bull, rams, heifers, lambs, goats, and pigeons or doves were brought to the sanctuary daily. All were ceremonially clean, without spot or blemish {{bible link|John 1:29}}
 h Spanish (es)</noinclude>
<!--  9. ¿Qué clase de animales eran llevados al atrio a diario?  -->

Un toro joven, carneros, vaquillas, corderos, cabras, palomas o palomas eran llevados diariamente al Santuario. Todos estaban ceremonialmente limpios, sin mancha alguna.
 h French (fr)</noinclude>
<!-- 9. Quelles sortes d’animaux étaient amenés chaque jour dans le parvis? -->