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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)On the outside of the breastplate were 12 precious stones. They were arranged as four rows of three. Their sequence, from left to right and from top to bottom were: sardis (brownish red), topaz (yellow to yellowish red), carbuncle (red), emerald (clear green), sapphire (deep blue), diamond (sparkling clear), jacinth (bright yellow), agate (delicate blue), amethyst (violet), beryl (green-yellow), onyx (bright yellow), jasper (red, brown, or yellow).
 h Spanish (es)En el exterior del peto había 12 piedras preciosas. Fueron arreglados como cuatro filas de tres. Su secuencia, de izquierda a derecha y de arriba a abajo fueron: Sardis (rojo pardusco), Topaz (amarillo al rojo amarillento), ántrax (rojo), esmeralda (verde claro), zafiro (azul profundo), diamante (claro chispeante), Jacinto (amarillo brillante), ágata (azul delicado), amatista (violeta), Beryl (verde-amarillo), Onyx (amarillo brillante), jaspe (rojo, marrón, o amarillo).
 h French (fr){{clear}}