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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)</noinclude>
<!-- 5. Keep a chart on how you spend your time for one weekend and one week day. In this chart make a list of how much time you spend in the following areas: <br/>a. Work for pay <br/>b. Family time <br/>c. Personal devotions <br/>d. Public worship <br/>e. Family worship <br/>f. Fun things <br/>g. Reading <br/>h. Television <br/>i. Meals <br/>j. Sleep <br/>k. Personal needs <br/>l. Class time <br/> m. School study <br/>n. Travel <br/>o. Music lesson <br/>p. Music practice <br/>q. Home chores <br/>r. Shopping <br/>For each of the three days be sure your time adds up to 24 hours. After completing the chart, discuss with your pastor or counselor your responsibility in the stewardship of your time. -->
 h Spanish (es)</noinclude>
<!-- 5. Mantener un gráfico sobre cómo usted pasa su tiempo por un fin de semana y un día entre la semana. En una tabla, hacer una lista de cuánto tiempo utiliza en las siguientes áreas: -->