All translations

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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)</noinclude>
<!-- 8. List three talents or skills that you have, such as building things, mechanics, gar­dening, painting or drawing, writing, speaking, music, teaching, sewing, etc. Choose one of these three talents and do a project to help develop your talent fur­ther. Your project must follow these guidelines: -->
If none of the examples listed in this requirement inspire your group, take a look at all the other honors available for Pathfinders to earn. All honors are intended to develop some skill or knowledge that can be used to benefit others. Look especially in the [[../../Arts,_Crafts_and_Hobbies|Arts, Crafts and Hobbies]], [[../../Spiritual_Growth,_Outreach_and_Heritage|Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage]], [[../../Outdoor Industries|Outdoor Industries]], and [[../../Vocational|Vocational]] categories.
 h Spanish (es)</noinclude>
<!-- 8. Hacer una lista de 3 talentos o habilidades que usted posee, como la construcción de cosas, mecánica, jardinería, pintura o dibujo, escritura, conversación, música, la enseñanza, costura, etc. Elegir uno de estos 3 talentos y hacer un proyecto para ayudar a desarrollar el talento aún más. Su proyecto debe seguir estas pautas: -->