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Found 2 translations.

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 h English (en)The path to becoming a college professor is much more varied. College professors eventually earn a doctorate in the area of their particular interest and giftedness. However, they may get that degree immediately after they finish a bachelors' or masters' degree, or years later either before they began teaching at a college level or after they have begun their professorship (but usually before they become full professors). College professors are specialists in their field of study, which means they have often been professionals in that field for a number of years prior to entering the college teaching scene. Adjunct professors are often professionals from the subject field who teach a class or two as a side gig. A practicing lawyer might teach Business Law or a Head of a Hospital Nursing Department might teach a nursing class.
 h Spanish (es)El camino para convertirse en un profesor de universidad es mucho más variado. Los profesores universitarios eventualmente obtienen un doctorado en el área de su particular interés y talento. Sin embargo, pueden conseguir ese título inmediatamente después de terminar una licenciatura o maestría, o años más tarde ya sea antes de que comenzaron a enseñar a nivel universitario o después de que hayan comenzado su profesión (pero usualmente antes de convertirse en profesores de tiempo completo). Los profesores universitarios son especialistas en su campo de estudio, lo que significa que a menudo han sido profesionales en ese campo durante varios años antes de entrar en la escena de la enseñanza universitaria.