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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)If the snow is not deep enough, you can build a quinzhee, which is similar to an igloo, but less time-consuming to build. Start by piling any gear you can do without for a few hours in a heap, and then start shoveling snow on top of it. It may take a while to dig the gear out again, so be careful about what you bury. The mound of snow needs to be at least {{units|2.5 meters|8 feet}} wide, and {{units|2 meters|6 feet}} high. Once the snow is in place, let is ''sinter'' for an hour or two. Cook your supper, or go on a hike. Sintering is the process of the snow particles binding to one another. Once enough time has elapsed, gather some sticks and break them into {{units|30 cm|12 inch}} lengths. Insert the sticks fully into the snow dome. These will serve as wall thickness indicators when you begin hollowing out the inside.
 h Spanish (es){{clear}}