AY Honors/Tents/Answer Key

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1. Classify three types of tents and how to put them up. List their advantages and disadvantages.

Traditional A-Frame Tents

A-frame tents look like an ‘A’ shaped when erected. They are lightweight usually with a tarp for rain protection. However, they can be a little heavier to carry around. Inside they aren’t very spacious due to the steep sloping sides. They are a simple shelter, and are the easiest type of tent to improvise. Not very sturdy in strong winds. Typically, they consist of two poles at each end to form an apex with a single ridgepole running down the center. Stakes hold out the sides.

Modified A-Frame Tents

Modified A-Frame tents differ from traditional A-frame tents in that they use curved poles instead of straight poles. Curved poles in increase stability and improved head and interior space. A modified A-frame tent may include full coverage rain flys so no tarp required.

Tunnel Tents

Tunnel tents are great for high wind areas (like mountain climbing) when pitched end-on to oncoming winds. Typically made up of two or more poles running the width of the structure, this shape makes for much better interior space and head room then an A-frame.

Hoop Tents

Hoop tents have curved poles at either end to help retain shape and stability. Guy ropes need to be tied with pegs, staked carefully for optimum pitching. Typically, they are made up of three arched frames for spacious interior areas and head room. The benefit of this shape is that snow and water can simply slide off. Make sure to support any fabrics because if they are not staked down properly, they will rattle and flap in the wind. This type of tent is the lightest and most compact packing tent on the market.

Single Hoop

Single hoop tents are made up of a single curved pole and are usually only designed to sleep one or two people maximum. These tents don’t do very well in strong side winds but are quite sturdy if the wind runs against the spine of the tent. These tents are ideal for cycling or backpacking due to their space and weight factors.

Dome Tents

Dome tents are most popular among family and group campers. Typically made up of two or three poles passing each other across the center of the roof, these tents provide spacious living areas, great head room and sometimes the ability to have separate rooms and porches to store gear and equipment.

They are easy to pitch, stable and can handle conditions such as snow much better than other styles. Dome tents are usually free standing, so you can move them around while erected, which can come in handy in time of events like weather or wind direction changes.

There are other types of tents available, such as yurts and safari tents, but I won’t go into those here because they are usually more permanent for different purposes. I hope you found this guide useful and remember to bear these points in mind when you purchase your tent.

This guide was kindly written by the folks at World of Camping, Europe’s number one choice for camping equipment and accessories online.

2. Describe the materials used in tent making.

Tents come in a wide variety of materials. Originally animal skins were perhaps the most common material, but woven animal hair tents are mentioned in the Bible.

Modern tents are made from canvas (heavy event tents like you might see at a Campmeeting mostly), various nylons and other synthetic fabrics. Water resistance and light weight as well as affordability govern the types of fabric blends chosen by manufacturers.

Paul made a living as a tentmaker which is why the term 'tentmaker' is used today to designate a missionary who supports themselves through a second paying occupation.

3. Identify the classes of tents for the purpose intended and most well-known tent producers.

4. Choose a specific tent model that you would like to purchase and justify your choice.

Your choice of tent to purchase will depend on various factors including:

a) intended function - family tent, cooking tent, individual tent, backpacking vs load in a car, or perhaps an event tent. b) budget - how much can you spend and how often will you use the tent c) available materials and quality.

5. Demonstrate how to prepare a tent for rain and wind. List the rules for finding a place for a tent. (Campcraft #2, #3)

6. Put up and then take down a tent in the following situations:

Strong wind

The key to pitching a tent in strong wind is to stake it down as soon as you can. First spread it out on the ground, and then stake it. Do not try to raise it until it is staked. That way when the wind catches it, it is firmly anchored to the ground and will stay in place.

Likewise, when striking a tent in strong winds, leave the stakes in until the tent is down. Only then should the stakes be removed, and even then, you could leave one or more in the ground as you roll it up for storage.

At night

7. Tell the safety rules for living in a tent.

8. Demonstrate how to repair a tent in the following situations:

Torn or a burnt hole in the tent wall

Broken pole or arch

Torn zipping or grommet (eyelet)

Seam separation

9. Know how to keep and properly care for tents.

Every Pathfinder needs to know how to care for tents. The most important thing to remember is to only put away a dry tent. If you can't put the tent away dry, take the tent home and open it up again to dry it out properly. A wet tent will mold, rot, and stain.

A tent missing poles, pegs or other pieces is completely useless and very frustrating. Failing to put all the parts together in the tent bag will cause much frustration on the next camping trip.
