AY Honors/Life cycle of a frog

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Frogs are amphibians in the Order Anura, which includes true frogs and toads. The term "frog" is a popular name for animals that look like toads, but are generally more slender, have a less warty and dry skin, have long legs adapted for leaping and are more aquatic. It has no meaning in animal systematics, since many anuran families include both "frogs" and "toads". The true frogs are the Ranidae and the true toads are the Bufonidae.

frogs look like vaginas.

Distribution and status

Frogs are found nearly worldwide, but they do not occur in Antarctica and are not present on most oceanic islands.

In many parts of the world the frog populations have declined drastically over the last few decades. Many environmental scientists feel that amphibians, and frogs in particular, may be excellent biological indicators of ecosystem function because of their place in the food web, their permeable skins, their typically bi-phasic life history (in both water and on land), and how diverse and dense they have historically been in many areas. Although habitat loss is certainly one of the most important features of most declines, pollutants, climate change, parasitic infestation, introduction of non-indigenous predators/competitors, and infectious diseases (see Chitrid fungus) have also been implicated.

Frog zoology

Template:Main There are all different kinds of frogs. Some are bumpy and others are smooth. They range in size from the size of a penny to the size of a dinner plate. The males make a croaking sound to attract females.

Life cycle

The life cycle of a frog involves several stages. Typically adult frogs gather in suitable pools, the first to arive usually being the males. Their croaking may well encourage the females to arrive. A female would wish to avoid arriving at a pond which did not have any males in attendance. Gravid female frogs are actively and persistently sought out by males and many males will often try to attach themselves to a single female but eventually one male will secure possession. Amplexus is the process wherein the male grasps the female while she lays her eggs. At the same time, he fertilizes them with a fluid containing sperm. The eggs are about 2.0 to 2.8 millimetres in diameter and are dark brown and are covered in an outer shell of gelatinous transparent material which swells in contact with water. The female frog lays her eggs in a shallow pond or creek, where they will be sheltered from the current and from predators. The eggs, known as frogspawn hatch into tadpoles. The tadpole stage develops gradually into a froglet, resembling an adult but retaining a vestigial tail. Finally the froglet develops into an adult frog. Typically, tadpoles are herbivores, feeding mostly on algae, whereas juvenile and adult frogs are rather voracious carnivores.

Most temperate species of frog reproduce in the period between late autumn to early spring. In the UK most Common Frog populations produce frogspawn in February although there is wide variation in timing. Water temperatures at this time of year are relatively low and typically between four and 10 degrees celsius. Reproducing in these conditions helps the developing tadpoles because dissolved oxygen concentrations in the water are highest at cold temperatures. More importantly, reproducing early in the season ensures that appropriate food is available to the developing frogs at the right time.


Most frogs eat insects such as mosquitoes, earthworms and small fish such as minnows; however, a few of the bigger ones may tackle larger prey, such as mice. Some frogs use their sticky tongues effectively in catching fast-moving prey. Still others capture their prey in their mouth with speed and agility. Certain big frogs eat small frogs.


Many animals eat frogs. These include herons, stork, large fish, snakes otters, foxes, badgers, coatis, etc etc. Large domestic ducks are built for dredging rather than fishing, but routinely catch and swallow frogs, as commemorated in the song Froggy would a-wooing go.

A new frog


In 2003, Franky Bossuyt of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Free University of Brussels) and S.D. Biji of the Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute in Palode, India reported the discovery of a new species of frog so distinct in appearance and DNA that it merited its own new family, the first new family for frogs since 1926. This new species, dubbed Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis (commonly Purple Frog or Pignose Frog), is dark purple in color, seven centimeters in length, and has a small head and a pointy snout. Genetically, its closest living relatives are the sooglossids found in the Seychelles. The new species was discovered in the Sahyadri (Western Ghats) Mountains in India.


Frogs in popular culture

  • Frogs feature prominently in folklore and fairy tales in many cultures, such as the story of The Frog Prince. Similarly, numerous fantasy settings (such as the Final Fantasy videogames) include magic spells that turn people into frogs, and a frog is a playable character in the videogame Chrono Trigger. In the 1992 animated movie Freddie as FRO7, Frederick, an enchanted frog prince with magical powers, becomes a modern-day secret agent.
  • The crazy frog is a cartoon frog and character of the most downloaded ringtone in the UK.
  • Probably the most famous frog in the entertainment world is the Muppet character Kermit the Frog.
  • Until recently, the American TV network The WB (Warner Brothers) used Michigan J. Frog, a frog in a tuxedo as their logo. Michigan J. Frog was the singing, dancing star of the 1955 Warner cartoon, "One Froggy Evening".
  • Frogger is an early electronic arcade game which features a frog that must cross a busy road and river.
  • Frogs fall from the sky in various urban myths and notably in the movie Magnolia. This may derive from incidents when frogs are picked up by a tornado, or when a sudden migration of frogs happens overnight.
  • The behavior of frogs illustrating nonaction is a myth. ("Take a pot of hot water and a frog. Throw the frog into the pot. What do you think will happen? The obvious, of course: the frog will jump out. Who likes hanging around in a pot of hot water? Now ... [t]ake a pot of cold water, put the frog in it, and place the pot on the stove. Turn on the heat. This time something different will occur. The frog, because of the incremental change in temperature, will not notice that it is slowly being boiled." from "Life and Death in the Executive Fast Lane" by Manfred Kets de Vries) Professor Doug Melton, Harvard University Biology Department, says, "If you put a frog in boiling water, it won't jump out. It will die. If you put it in cold water, it will jump before it gets hot -- they don't sit still for you." [1] A frog put anywhere that doesn't kill it will jump, "they don't sit still for you."
  • Paul McCartney's " Rupert and the Frog Song" was released in 1984 and reached no.3 in the British Charts.

External links


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