Especialidades JA/Pionerismo/Requisitos
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Año de introducción:
1. Describir por escrito, oralmente o con imágenes, cómo los primeros pioneros estadounidenses alcanzaban las siguientes necesidades básicas de la vida:
- a. Housing and furnishings
- b. Vestimenta
- c. Comida
- d. Cocina
- e. Calor y luz
- f. Herramientas y trabajos manuales
- g. Saneamiento
- h. Transporte
2. Construir una pieza de mobiliario útil con amarres. Aprender los siguientes amarres:
- a. Amarre cuadrado
- b. Amarre diagonal
- c. Amarre en ocho
- d. Amarre continuo
3. Realizar una de las siguientes actividades:
- a. Tejer una canasta utilizando materiales naturales
- b. Hacer un par de mocasines de cuero
- c. Hacer un sombrero de dama cosido a mano
- d. Hacer un simple juguete utilizado por los pioneros estadounidenses
4. Saber cómo hacer harina de al menos una planta silvestre para ser utilizada en la cocción al horno.
5. Construir una fogata sin fósforos. Usar materiales naturales de construcción de fogatas. Mantener la fogata durante cinco minutos. Se puede utilizar los siguientes artículos para iniciar el fuego:
- a. Flint and steel
- b. Friction
- c. Electric spark
- d. Curved glass
- e. Metal match
- f. Compressed air
6. Show axmanship knowledge in the following:
- a. Describe the best types of axes.
- b. Show how to sharpen an ax properly.
- c. Know and practice safety rules in the use of an ax.
- d. Know the proper way to use an ax.
- e. Properly cut in two a log at least eight inches (20.3 cm) thick.
- f. Properly split wood that is at least eight inches (20.3 cm) in diameter and one foot (30.5 cm) long.
7. Do two of the following:
- a. Make a ten-foot (3.0 meters) rope from natural material or twine.
- b. Tie ten knots useful to the pioneer and tell how they were used.
- c. Using rope and natural materials, make one device for moving heavy objects.
- d. Construct an adequate and comfortable latrine.
8. Explain the need for proper sanitation relating to solid and human waste and the washing of body, clothes, and dishes.
9. Assist in the construction of a ten-foot (3.0 meters) long log or rope bridge, using lashings.
10. Know four ways to keep the wilderness beautiful.
11. Do two of the following:
- a. Make a wax candle or other form of pioneer light source.
- b. Make a batch of soap.
- c. Milk a cow.
- d. Churn butter.
- e. Make a quill pen and write with it.
- f. Make a corn husk doll.
- g. Assist in making a quilt.
12. Know five home remedies from wild plants and explain their uses.
13. Do one of the following:
- a. Assist in constructing a raft, using lashings. Take a five-mile (8.3 km) trip on a river with this raft.
- b. With an experienced wrangler, participate in a two-day, 15-mile (25 km) horseback trip, carrying all needed supplies on a pack horse you have learned to pack.
- c. With an experienced leader, participate in a two-day, 15-mile (25 km) canoe trip, carrying all needed supplies properly. A short portage should be done.
- d. With an experienced leader, participate in a two-day, 15-mile (25 km) backpack trip, carrying all needed supplies.