Especialidades JA/Orientación/Requisitos

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Año de introducción:
Orienteering AY Honor.png

1. Explicar qué es un mapa topográfico, lo que se espera encontrar en él y tres usos de él.

2. Identificar al menos 20 signos y símbolos utilizados en los mapas topográficos.

3. Dar la nomenclatura de una brújula de orientación.

a. Cover

b. Base

c. Lens

4. Know the meaning of the following terms:

a. Elevation

b. Contour interval

c. Magnetic North

d. Declination

e. Scale

f. Measuring

g. Back-azimuth

h. True North

i. Azimuth

j. Distance

k. Ground forms

5. Demonstrate how to shoot a magnetic azimuth.

6. Demonstrate how to march on a magnetic azimuth.

7. Know two methods to correct for declination and when correction is necessary.

8. Be able to orient yourself and a map by inspection and by compass.

9. Explain resection and its use.

10. Prove your ability in the use of a map and/or a compass by following a one-mile (1.6 km) cross-country course with at least five given readings or control points.