Especialidades JA/Bioquímica - Avanzado/Requisitos
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Año de introducción:
1. Tener la especialidad de Bioquímica.
2. efinir los siguientes términos:
- a. Síntesis
- b. Anabolismo
- c. Catabolismo
- d. Reducción
- e. Oxidación
- f. Fotosíntesis
- g. Hormona
3. Además de la provisión de energía, ¿qué otras funciones tienen los carbohidratos?
4. ¿Cómo se hace la clasificación de los carbohidratos?
5. ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias de la falta de glucosa en el organismo?
6. Para mantener las tasas de glucosa constantes, en el período de ayuno, el organismo es capaz de producir este carbohidrato. ¿Cómo ocurre la vía de la gluconeogénesis?
7. ¿Cuál es la importancia de las hormonas insulina y glucagón en el organismo humano?
8. ¿Cómo es el metabolismo de un individuo en ayunas?
9. How is an individual's metabolism well-fed?
10. What disease is a result of lack of insulin production? What are the main characteristics of this disease?
11. The excess carbohydrates and amino acids accumulate in the body through its conversion into lipids. How are lipids synthesized in the body? Where are they stored?
12. What are the types of lipids in humans?
13. Amino acids are produced by living things. The so-called producers are able to synthesize the 20 essential amino acids, mammals can synthesize only a few. What are the precursors used for amino acid synthesis?
14. How do mammals get the amino acids they are not able to synthesize?
15. Make a table with the biosynthetic families of amino acids, according to metabolic precursors.
16. The amino group is very important for the synthesis of amino acids. How do you get this amino grouping? Explain the Cycle of Nitrogen.
17. Nitrogen fixation is very important, certain bacteria do this. Some live in symbiosis with legumes. Explain how the symbiosis between bacteria and legumes occurs. Associate legumes and nitrogen fixation with crop rotation.
18. How does photosynthesis happen and what is its importance for life on Earth?
19. What factors affect photosynthesis?
20. What are the organisms capable of photosynthesis?
21. Carbon is a very important atom for all life forms. Explain the Carbon Cycle.
22. What is the relationship between DNA, RNA and proteins?
23. What are the applications of DNA studies?