AY Honors/Historical Heritage/Requirements

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Historical Heritage

Skill Level:
Year Introduced:
Historical Heritage AY Honor.png

1. Define the concept of historical heritage.

2. Explain the difference between history and memory.

3. What is the difference of the historical heritage for:

a. The identity of the people

b. The preservation of memory

c. Human constitution

4. Explain how a historical heritage is formed and what are the benefits of its creation.

5. How can history influence the decisions of a society?

6. Define the following categories:

a. Material historical heritage

b. Immaterial historical heritage

7. What is the human role as an active agent in the construction of history?

8. Research three elements of an immaterial culture in your city or region.

9. Interview an older person about their memories about their city.

10. Make a report of the monuments that exist in the region you live in. Discover the reason they are there and what is the history the monuments attempt to preserve.

11. Make a collection of ten elements that are an important part of your personal heritage.