Especialidades JA/Mamíferos/Requisitos
Año de introducción:
1. ¿Cuál versículo de la Biblia da el día en que los mamíferos fueron creados?
2. Hacer una lista de cuatro características de un mamífero.
3. Give one or more identifying characteristics of each of the following orders of mammals, and name one or more species of mammals found in each order:
- a. Marsupialia
- b. Insectivora
- c. Chiroptera
- d. Carnivora
- e. Pinnipedia
- f. Rodentia
- g. Lagomorpha
- h. Artiodactyla
- i. Sirenia
- j. Cetacea
4. List four beneficial mammals and tell how they are beneficial.
5. List four things mammals do that are harmful.
6. List four mammals that are completely aquatic and designate their natural range.
7. Name the largest mammal in the world and tell where it lives, how it feeds, and what it eats.
8. List eight species of wild mammals that are in your region. Spend at least 5 hours searching for wild mammals in their natural habitat.
9. Write or tell a story about "Wild Mammals I Have Observed".