AY Honors/Mammals - Advanced/Requirements/es

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Mamíferos - Avanzado

Año de introducción:
Mammals Advanced AY Honor.png

1. Have the Mammals Honor

2. What mammals in your locality are protected by law? Why?

3. How do the processes of birth and care for the young differ in monotremes and marsupials from all other orders of mammals?

4. Name five different ways in which mammals protect themselves and their young, and cite an example of each.

5. What mammals are agents for the transmission of tularemia, bubonic plague, trichinosis, and rabies?

6. List 15 species of wild mammals which you personally have observed and identified in the wild. For each one listed, include the following data:

a. Name
b. Date observed
c. Locality
d. Habitat (woods, field, swamp)
e. Time of day
f. Behavior (what the animal was doing)