Especialidades JA/Vida microscópica/Requisitos

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Vida microscópica

Año de introducción:
Microscopic Life AY Honor.png

1. Hacer una lista de cuatro grandes clases de microscopios. ¿Cuáles son algunas de las características de cada uno? Ser capaz de identificar las diferentes clases de microscopios en imágenes o visitar a un laboratorio en una universidad o un industria que utiliza estos microscopios.

2. Ser capaz de identificar las siguientes partes de un microscopio y explicar o demostrar la función de cada uno: ocular, objetivo, cabezal, revolver, portaobjetos, condensador, base, enfoque, el brazo.

3. Know how to calculate the magnification of a compound microscope. Calculate the magnification of the microscope you use for this honor.

4. Define the following microscopic terms: slide, coverslip, wetmount, fixing, staining, oil immersion, unicellular, multicellular, cilia, flagella, plankton.

5. Collect samples of water (from ponds, streams, ditches, gutters, puddles, etc.) And search for living organisms using a microscope with at least 100X magnification. Draw five of these organisms as accurately as possible. As far as possible, identify and label your diagrams (include the magnification used.)

6. Draw and label a cell which includes the following parts: cell membrane, nucleus, and cytoplasm.

7. Know the kingdoms that have microscopic life forms and know two members from each.

8. Give at least one example of how microscopic life is important for: human food, human health, medicine, other organisms.

9. Give at least three health habits that have been established as a direct result of harmful microscopic life. Put these habits into practice.