AY Honors/Housekeeping/Answer Key/es

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Tener la especialidad de Arte de lavado.

Para consejos e instrucciones, véase Arte de lavado.


Hacer una lista de los elementos utilizados en el mantenimiento de una casa limpia.

  • Escoba y recogedor
  • Aspiradora
  • Fregona (lampazo, trapeador, mapo, mopa, trapero, coleto, suape, aljofifa, mocho, lava suelos, trapo de piso o mechudo) y balde
  • Paños
  • Cepillo de baño
  • Cepillos de limpieza
  • Toallas de papel
  • Cera para muebles
  • Limpiador de ventana
  • Productos químicos de limpieza
  • Esponjas


Describir la mejor manera de mantener la cocina, el horno de microondas y el refrigerador limpio.

La mejor manera de mantener estos artículos limpios es limpiándolos a menudo. Tan pronto como algo se derrame sobre la estufa, en el microondas o en la nevera, es un mucho más fácil de limpiar en el momento que más tarde, cuando el elemento derramado endurece.


¿En qué condiciones los gérmenes y plagas se multiplican? Mencionar las formas de cómo limpiar cada uno de los siguientes lugares: sótanos, armarios, aparadores, fregaderos, pisos y baños.

A los gérmenes y las plagas les encanta la inmundicia, y esa es la razón principal para mantener las cosas limpias. Los gérmenes y las plagas y cargan y difunden las enfermedades, por eso mantener la casa limpia también ayudará a mantener sus ocupantes saludables.


Los sótanos se deben barrer con frecuencia y mantenerse lo más seco posible. Si el sótano es propenso a la humedad, no se debe alfombrado y nada debe ser almacenado en el suelo. Más bien, todo se debe colocar en la parte superior de las paletas o estantes para que la humedad no pueda entrar en los artículos almacenados y hacer que se moldean. Un sótano húmedo debe ser tratado para que no haya moho.

Si es posible, encuentre la fuente de la humedad y repárelo.


Los armarios deben mantenerse limpios y ordenados. Los organizadores del armario, estantes de zapatos y los estantes son excelentes ayudas para esto. Es una buena idea ventilar el armario de vez en cuando, y los pisos se deben barrer o aspirar cuando se limpia la casa.


Las alacenas deben vaciarse y limpiarse periódicamente. Si las estanterías están llenas de papel de estante, el papel se puede cambiar de vez en cuando para refrescar el aspecto de las alacenas.


Los fregaderos deben limpiarse con frecuencia. Esto se puede hacer con el detergente para lavar platos y una esponja o un paño. Los fregaderos de acero inoxidable pueden ser lavados con lana de acero. Si el fregadero tiene un triturador de basura, la junta de goma alrededor del desagüe debe ser quitado y limpiado con frecuencia también (se pone bastante asqueroso). Las cáscaras de cítricos se ponen a través de la eliminación de desechos para refrescarlo.


Los pisos de madera, baldosas o linóleo deben barrerse y limpiarse. Los pisos con alfombra deben ser aspiradas con frecuencia y limpiado con vapor de vez en cuando.


Los inodoros deben ser lavados por el interior con un cepillo de baño. Especialmente importante es el área justo debajo del borde. Un limpiador de inodoro debe ser utilizado para hacer esto. El asiento, borde y la tapa también necesitan ser limpiadas con un limpiador de uso general, al igual que el exterior del inodoro y el tanque.


Decir la forma adecuada de preparar los platos para lavarlos, ya sea en el fregadero o en la máquina de lavar platos. Mencionar el orden que deben lavarse la cubertería, los vasos, platos y trastes de cocina.

Scrape all leftover food into a garbage disposal or into the trash. Dishes with tough, stuck-on food may need to be soaked before it can be cleaned. Oatmeal becomes almost cement-like if it hardens in the bowl or pot, so soaking is almost absolutely a requirement. This is true whether the dish will be hand washed or machine washed.

Modern dishwashers do not require that the dish be rinsed before running it through the cycle - the dishwasher will rinse them at least as well as you will. If washing them by hand, it is a good idea to rinse them off first so that you do not spoil the water. It is difficult to get anything clean with dirty water! Once the dishes are prepared for washing, they should be stacked.

Glasses should be washed first, followed by silverware, table dishes, and finally kitchen dishes. In general, the order is to wash the cleanest items first, saving the dirtiest items for last. Glasses are difficult to get clean unless the dishwater is grease-free, so that is the reason they should be done first even if they are more dirty than the silver or table dishes. Keep an eye on the dishwater - if it becomes disgusting, change it!


¿Cómo deben limpiarse tapetes, alfombras, almohadas, muebles tapizados, paredes empapelados, paredes pintadas, pisos y ventanas?


Rugs can be taken outside and shaken out, or even hung over a line and beaten. Keep shaking or beating the rug until dirt stops coming out.


Carpets should be vacuumed frequently and steam-cleaned every now and then. If something is spilled on a carpet, it should be cleaned up right away. The best way to do this is by placing an absorbent material (dish towel, wash cloth, or paper towel) over the spill and pressing. As it absorbs the spill, move a dry area of the towel over the spill and continue until it no longer comes up wet. Some spills should be treated with an upholstery/carpet cleaner immediately after this or the carpet will be permanently stained (juices) or bleached (vomit).


Pillows usually have an outer covering that can be removed and machine washed. Let the padded portion of the pillow air out while the cover is laundered.

Upholstered furniture

Furniture upholstered with cloth can (and should) be vacuumed whenever the carpets are vacuumed. Remove the cushions and vacuum the undersides, as well as the portion of the furniture underneath them. They can also be touched up with an upholstery cleaner. Follow the directions on the bottle.

Furniture upholstered with leather can be wiped down with a damp cloth, and should be cleaned occasionally with a leather cleaner. Be sure that the leather cleaner you choose is for furniture, or you may end up with stains on your clothing.

Papered walls

Papered walls should be cleaned with a slightly dampened cloth. Be careful not to get the paper too wet or it may peel off.

Painted walls

Painted walls are more durable than papered walls, so they can be scrubbed down with soapy water. Glossy finishes clean easier than satin or flat finishes, so when choosing a paint, keep that in mind. A bathroom, kitchen, or small child's room might be better served with a glossy finish. A ceiling or master bedroom can be painted with a flat paint (if desired).


Hardwood, tile, and linoleum floors should be swept frequently and mopped occasionally. Always sweep right before mopping. To mop a floor, fill a mop bucket half way with warm or hot water, and add a floor cleaner to it. Submerge the mop under the water, pull it up, wring it out, and then pass it over the floor, "painting" the entire surface of the floor. Plan out where you will mop so that you do not have to walk over the damp floor. It is best to do this chore when small children are outside, not home, or asleep, as they sometimes have difficulty understanding that they should not walk on a wet floor.


Windows should be washed with window cleaner or with a mixture of vinegar and water. Spray the cleaner on the glass, and then wipe it off, being careful to not leave streaks. When washing both sides of the glass, make the last pass horizontally on the inside and vertically on the outside (or vice versa) so that you can tell which side of the glass a streak is on.


¿Cómo se elimina la basura en su comunidad?

This answer book cannot know how trash is disposed of in your community. You will need to check with your local government for that information. Waste is most commonly placed in a landfill or incinerated. Some communities require that waste be sorted - yard waste, recyclables, construction waste, household waste, and toxic waste are all treated differently.


¿Qué precauciones deben tomarse en la limpieza de una chimenea?

The main danger to be concerned with when cleaning out a fireplace is that of starting an accidental fire. Be sure the ash contains no embers by waiting until no fire has been burning for at least 12 hours. Cover the ashes with damp newspaper to keep the dust down, then shovel the ash into a bag, seal and take the bag outside. You may wish to wear a dust mask when doing this, and you may wish to cover the hearth with a tarp to contain the mess. Do not douse a fire in a fireplace with water except in an emergency, as this can cause the firebox to crack. It will also cause the ash to harden and stick to the brick, making it difficult to clean.

Be sure to have the chimney cleaned by a professional annually so that soot and creosote do not build up - this is a fire hazard.


¿Qué se entiende por mantener un hogar «seguro para el bebé»?

Babies have ways of making their own danger. A house that is "baby safe" has been examined and actions taken to prevent a baby from endangering itself (or others). Unused outlets are covered so that the baby cannot insert paper clips, coins, or other conductive items into them. Cleaners, poisons, and other toxic items are stored out of the baby's reach or locked where they are inaccessible. Stairways are gated so the baby cannot fall down (or climb up and then fall down). Items smaller than a golf ball should also be stored out of a baby's reach, as these are choking hazards. Babies explore the world with their mouths, so they may try to "eat" anything that they can fit into their mouths.


Planear y hacer el trabajo de la casa durante una semana.

Whoever normally does this task will thank you, and if that person is you - well, at least you're getting an honor out of your effort now.
