Especialidades JA/Prevención del acoso II/Requisitos
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
División Norteamericana
Nota: Debido a la naturaleza sensible (y la prevalencia) del acoso, se sugiere que esta especialidad sea enseñada por una persona que haya recibido capacitación recientemente o haya realizado una lectura/investigación significativa acerca del tema de la prevención del acoso (y si es posible haya sido certificado en este tema). La MEJOR manera de desarrollar esta especialidad es a través de una serie de sesiones, de modo que los principios se conviertan en parte de la naturaleza de los participantes, en vez de que aprendan rápidamente y se olviden igual de rápido.
Nota: Prevención del acoso I y II se escribieron sin que uno fuera el requisito previo del otro para que el instructor pueda elegir la(s) especialidad(es) para enseñar que son más relevantes para el grupo y la dinámica de grupo.
1. Repasar y explicar cuatro reglas básicas de la prevención del acoso.
- a. No intimidaremos ni acosaremos a otros
- b. Trataremos de ayudar a los estudiantes que son acosados
- c. Trataremos de incluir a los estudiantes que son excluidos
- d. Si sabemos que alguien está siendo acosado, se lo diremos a un adulto en la escuela/iglesia y a un adulto en casa
2. Repasar cuáles son algunas de las señales que se deben buscar y que podrían determinar si una persona sufre alguna forma de acoso.
3. Repasar cuáles son los diferentes papeles que hacen las personas cuando son parte de una situación de acoso (conocido como el Círculo del Acoso), ¿y qué papeles ha presenciado en situaciones en las que ha visto o sido involucrado?
4.Explain the following types of bullying and evaluate ways that you would know that the following are happening within your friendship community:
- a.
Relational aggression
- b.
- c.
Sexual bullying
Briefly describe
- a.
Some differences between flirting and sexual harassment.
- b.
Some characteristics of cyberbullying that make it different from other common types of bullying.
Discuss with a group the following texts as each relates to bullying:
- a.
Deuteronomy 31:6
- b.
Proverbs 12:18
- c.
James 3:1-11
- d.
Ephesians 4:29
- e.
Mark 12:31
Discuss with an individual or in a group some of the ways to protect oneself from the following:
- a.
Relational aggression
- b.
- c.
Sexual bullying
Reflect on a moment when you or someone you know experienced being a target of relational aggression. As a first-hand witness or from a close acquaintance, briefly answer the following:
- a.
Explain in as much detail what took place.
- b.
What actions were sought to address the issue?
- c.
What lessons were learned from that experience?
Demonstrate a profound understanding of the vulnerabilities, accountabilities, and pitfalls of spreading rumors by doing one of the following:
- a.
Carefully observe the front pages of popular print and online media that contain articles about popular people. Take note of the rumors that are stated about them for the sole purpose of selling magazines. Discuss why such false information sells magazines. Discuss the challenges to a Christian’s lifestyle of participating in this practice.
- b.
Lead a discussion on some of the consequences individuals may face after they are caught spreading false rumors about others.
- c.
Conduct a group research project on the local and/or state laws regarding defamation (libel and slander), and the possible penalties for each. Refer to recent cases and be prepared to share your findings with a group.
Cyberbullying often includes elements that endanger the life and safety of someone else, and thus may require reporting to officials. Determine what steps or actions are needed at each stage listed below to work to resolve cyber bullying situations.
- a.
Evidence collection
- b.
Reporting to parents/schools
- c.
Reporting to law enforcement
- d.
Reporting cyberbullying to online service providers
Discuss each of the following scenarios as a group. 1) Read the situation, 2) evaluate whether sexual bullying is taking place, and 3) based on your observation, discuss potentially appropriate responses.
- a.
Someone at school says you look great today
- b.
Someone at a party says your clothes look nice on you, making comments on particular body parts
- c.
Someone compliments the design of your tie and then takes the liberty to adjust it
- d.
A friend begins to pressure you to send sexually oriented pictures of yourself
- e.
Someone begins to show up wherever you are to say hello, on several occasions
- f.
Someone tries to hold or hug you unexpectedly each time they see you
Discuss from a Christian's perspective how bullying has been and continues to be used as a means to hinder spreading the gospel of Christ.