Especialidades JA/Ceremonias/Requisitos
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
División Sudamericana
1. ¿Qué son las ceremonias y cuáles son sus objetivos principales?
2. Describir las siguientes ceremonias de un club de Conquistadores. Decir sobre cada una cuál es el objetivo, quién es responsable por dirigir el programa y en qué ocasiones son realizadas:
- a. Apertura
- b. Iniciación
- c. Investidura
- d. Cierre
- e. Día del Conquistador
- f. Fogata de Consejo
3. ¿Qué son las prerrogativas para la otorgación de los siguientes emblemas?
- a. Clase
- b. Pañuelo
- c. Especialidades
- d.
Good Conduct Ribbon
What precautions should be taken regarding fire inside the temple (torches, pyre)?
How is a torch properly prepared? Mention the necessary materials, including fire safety with flammable material.
Mention a ceremony that can be done outdoors. Mention the plans you would make for such a ceremony.
Mention 6 fundamental points to have a quality ceremony.
Study the Sanctuary ceremonial service describe in Exodus and explain in detail what it was like.
Participate in the organization of an investiture or induction ceremony including:
- a.
The topic
- b.
A suitable location
- c.
- d.
- e.
Preparing the material beforehand
- f.
Choosing the music
- g.
A special music
- h.
Awards (if any)
- i.
Projecting the hymns and Pathfinder ideals (or passing them out in handouts)
- j.
Uniform inspection
In a camping trip, lead out in a council fire ceremony, being responsible for all the organization, from building the fire, to the recreation and devotional.
What is the job of a Master of Ceremonies?
Explain what the slogan "a ceremony should be simple, short and worthy" means.