Especialidades JA/Tallado en piedra/Requisitos
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
1. Decir cuatro precauciones de seguridad que deben tomarse al aserrar rocas.
2. Nombrar dos clases de soluciones de cortadoras con hoja de diamante que son lubricantes y refrigerantes, y cuál es su propósito.
3. Explicar cómo una cortadora con hoja de diamante corta las rocas, cómo se desafila y cómo puede afilarse.
4.Describe the five basic steps to follow in bringing a slab or a flat surface to a polish.
What important precaution should be taken between each stage of grinding and sanding?
What is a template, and how is it used?
What is a cabochon, and what is the usual thickness of the slab from which it is made?
How do you decide the best angle or position to slab a specimen?
Explain two methods of wet sanding while shaping and polishing the rock.
From what material are polishing compounds made? If a scratch appears while polishing, how is it removed?
Saw, trim, properly dop, and carry a cabochon through the necessary grinding, sanding, and polishing stages to a high gloss or glassy finish.
Mount the cabochon on some type of backing, such as a stick pin, sweater pin, key ring, etc., with cement.