Field Guide/Birds/Branta canadensis

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Canada Goose
(Another picture)
Binomial name
Branta canadensis

The Canada Goose (Branta canadensis), colloquially Canadian Goose, belongs to the Branta genus of geese, which contains species with largely black plumage, distinguishing them from the grey Anser species. The species name, canadensis, is a New Latin word meaning "of Canada".

The black head and neck with white "chinstrap" distinguish this goose from all except the Barnacle Goose, but the latter has a black breast and grey, rather than brownish, body plumage. There are up to 12 subspecies of this bird, of varying sizes and plumage details, but all are recognizable as Canada Geese. A few ornithologists consider that some of these races may be full species.

This well-known species is the only "black" goose native to North America. It breeds in Canada and the northern USA in a variety of habitats. However, the nest is usually located in an elevated area near water, sometimes on a beaver lodge. The eggs are laid in a shallow depression lined with plant material and down. Males can be very aggressive in defending territory. A pair may mate for life.

Like most geese it is naturally migratory, the wintering range being most of the USA. The calls overhead from large groups of Canada Geese flying in V-shaped formation signal the transitions into spring and fall. In some areas, migration routes have changed due to changes in habitat and food sources. In mild climates, such as the Pacific Northwest, due to a lack of former predators, some of the population has become non-migratory. These birds are considered by many to be a nuisance, and some cities have begun extermination programs against them.

This species has reached western Europe naturally, as has been proved by ringing recoveries, but has also been introduced. The introduced birds are of the largest race, and have established feral populations in Britain, The Netherlands and Scandinavia.

Semi-tame feral birds are common in parks, and have become a pest in some areas. Interestingly, it is now proved that most Scandinavian and some British birds have established a migration pattern.

These birds feed mainly on plant material. When feeding in water, they submerge their heads and necks to reach aquatic plants, sometimes tipping forward like a dabbling duck. Flocks of these birds often feed on leftover cultivated grains in fields, especially during migration or in winter. They also eat some insects, molluscs and crustaceans.

By the early 20th century, over-hunting and loss of habitat had resulted in a serious decline in the numbers of this bird. With improved game laws, their populations have recovered in most of their range, although some local populations may still be declining. They have adapted well to urban environments, especially those with well-trimmed lawns, such as golf courses and city parks.

See also

de:Kanadagans ja:シジュウカラガン nl:Canadagans