Especialidades JA/Arte cristiano de vender/Respuestas

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Arte cristiano de vender

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Asociación General

Christian Sales Principles AY Honor.png
Arte cristiano de vender
Actividades vocacionales
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción
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Explicar las responsabilidades de un vendedor cristiano en relación con la forma en que trata a sus clientes y a su jefe.


Hacer una lista de los puntos de los pasos de una venta.

The presentation is the core of every sales cycle, and it's probably where you'll invest the most preparation time. Keep in mind that you're not just selling your product... you are also selling yourself! You represent your company, so appearance counts.

6. Address the Objections

Here's where you get to deal with your prospect's concerns. Often the prospect wants to buy but has doubts. Your job is to help them address the concerns and doubts themselves by providing information and asking questions of your own, not get into an argument. The concern you'll hear most often? “I have to think about it.”

7. Close the Sale

Once you've made your presentation and answered your prospect's questions and objections, it's time to ask for the sale. Instead of saying "So you want to buy this?" you might close the sale by asking indirect questions like "would you prefer the red one or the blue one?" or "Is regular shipping ok or do you need a faster delivery?". Some salespeople will start filling out the order form and ask questions like "what business name do you want on the order?" Remember, the prospect often wants you to help them buy. This is the second-most neglected stage of the sales cycle... which is especially sad given that it's probably the most critical one.

8. Ask for Referrals This is hands down the most commonly neglected step. Too many salespeople are so relieved to get a sale that they grab their things and race out the door the second they get the chance, for fear the prospect will change their mind!


Dar una declaración sobre la manera de satisfacer las objeciones.

Objections are often questions that just need to be answered. Ideally, you want to help the buyer answer his/her own questions and objections rather than answering the objections yourself. People believe their own voice more than someone else's.

Since this requirement calls for the Pathfinder to give their own statement, we suggest first studying a good book on sales principles like this one by Christian salesperson, speaker and author Zig Zigler. Now sadly no longer with us, Zigler explains how to sell in a humorous and memorable way.


¿Cómo son los siguientes puntos valiosos para un vendedor?


Investigar el mercado para ver cómo un artículo o servicio se va a vender.

Understanding the market requires research to understand what the market (the customers) need and want and how they are meeting these needs and wants. If you do not understand what alternatives the customer has to your product how can you differentiate between your product and other products they could buy instead? Each product or service must be positioned in the market (price, quality, quantity, etc.) and the product position should be reviewed regularly as the market changes over time.


Una formación adecuada y los conocimientos sobre el tema o servicio que se vende.

Proper knowledge and training helps in three major ways:

1. It streamlines the sales process. Having to call the plant or check the literature breaks up the sales call and costs valuable time. It is much easier to just answer a question immediately.

2. It builds trust. A properly trained salesperson who knows the product appears professional, knowledgeable and trustworthy - all good qualities that increase the comfort level in the buyer. Buyers prefer to deal with someone they can trust, even refusing to buy something they actually want if they don't trust the salesperson.

3. It prevents problems. Product misrepresentation can be costly for the buyer and can kill the company's representation. It can lead to legal battles and other undesirable consequences, all of which proper training and product knowledge can prevent.


Una visita a la fábrica o la oficina que produce el artículo o servicio.

Visiting the plant or home office helps the salesperson in several ways:

a) Helps them understand the product and the company better. Seeing something made (or service provided) helps the salesperson later explain the quality of the product, limitations of the product and capabilities of the business in general.

b) results in personal connections to key people at the plant/head office, connections that can be used later to get technical info, solve problems and generally provide better customer service


Visitas de seguimiento a los clientes nuevos.

The sales cycle for most things does not complete with the sale. Follow-up ensures that the customer is satisfied, allows the salesperson to proactively fix any problems and collects valuable feedback. A follow-up call or visit also is a great time to see if the customer would like to buy more of the product (many customers place a small order at first as a test) and to ask for referrals.


Usando la educación y experiencia real o hipotética, escribir un currículo que podría ser utilizado en la solicitud de un puesto de trabajo.

A resume is an important sales tool for selling a really important service - your time. You can start your research on writing a resume on Wikipedia.


Descubrir qué educación es más beneficiosa para una carrera en ventas. ¿Qué aspectos de las ventas están a disposición de un vendedor cristiano?

For general sales a college course or degree in sales and marketing is good start. A Business Administration degree will also prepare you well for a sales career. For very technical products, some companies prefer trained engineers or other experts in the business.

Since you need to find out what education is beneficial, you need to do some research. You can start by exploring the courses offered by Andrews University School of Business Administration or another university near you.

A Christian salesperson can be involved in every aspect of sales including jobs like:

a) Inside Sales

b) Outside Sales

c) Sales Manager/VP Sales

d) Marketing jobs

e) Retail sales jobs

f) Traveling sales person

g) Working in a sales call center

h) Prospecting for leads or taking calls from interested people and closing the sales

i) Becoming an independent salesperson, such as a Realtor or Manufacturers Sales Representative

j) Commissioned or Salaried

However, Christians should avoid working selling products or services that go against Christian Principles and personal beliefs. Selling for a tobacco firm, winery or adult entertainment company would not be appropriate. Misrepresenting products or selling products that do not provide good value (like scams) is inappropriate. If in doubt, don't do it. A good test is - would Jesus approve? Will my mother approve? There are so many opportunities to sell products and services that people want and need and that will improve their lives there is just no reason to stoop to selling something harmful or that does not represent good value.


Realizar una de las siguientes actividades:


Ayudar a recaudar fondos mediante la venta de servicios, mercancías, o boletos para una actividad de Conquistadores, Sociedad de JA, o escolar, responsabilizándose más que solo por su parte proporcional de las ventas.

Selling something to your mom and barely doing your part is not enough to demonstrate your Christian Sales abilities. To earn the honor you should go beyond the minimum effort. Happy selling.


Obtener dinero por sí mismo a través de la venta de una mercancía o servicio.

All businesses and professions involve some sort of selling. Without selling goods and services are not exchanged. You might earn money for school, some special treat, or just for living expenses. If you have the opportunity and are at least 16 consider joining the Magabook program in your area (contact your conference office). Here is some students experience.


Hacer una presentación práctica de ventas a su consejero, maestro, padre o madre sobre el artículo que usted está vendiendo.

Practicing the sales presentation - and getting constructive feedback on it - is one of the most important steps in the sales process. An effective, confident sales presentation will result in many more sales and a much more effective use of your selling time.


Entrevistar a un vendedor cristiano y un vendedor minorista cristiano con respecto a los siguientes puntos:

Note this requires two interviews. This does not have to be a colporter, it can be any Christian in sales or retail sales. Ask around, many people are in sales and most sales people love to talk. Maybe a Realtor you know?


Para el vendedor:
i. ¿Hay que participar de muchos viajes en la profesión de un vendedor?
ii. ¿En qué otras formas afecta su vida familiar el trabajo de un vendedor?
iii. ¿Cómo se les paga a las personas de ventas?
iv. ¿Qué oportunidades de progreso hay en las ventas?
v. ¿Qué depara el futuro para una carrera en ventas?
vi. ¿Cómo consigue clientes?
vii. ¿Qué le gusta más de su trbajo? ¿Lo que menos le gusta?
viii. ¿Ser un cristiano hace alguna diferencia en la forma de hacer su trabajo?


Para el minorista:
i. ¿Qué clase de educación y formación es útil para una carrera en las ventas al por menor?
ii. ¿Qué oportunidades de promoción están disponibles en las ventas al por menor?
iii. Cuando se coloca un pedido, en qué confía más: ¿en el servicio de la persona de ventas, el precio, características del mercado o la calidad del producto?
iv. ¿Qué hace cuando un cliente se queja de un error que piensa que su tienda ha hecho cuando en realidad el cliente es el que tiene la culpa?
v. ¿Ser un cristiano hace una diferencia en la forma de administrar su tienda?
vi. ¿Qué le gusta más de su trabajo? ¿Lo que menos le gusta?
