Especialidades JA/Mantenimiento del hogar/Requisitos
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación de Florida
1. Identificar las siguientes herramientas y conocer su uso:
- a. Martillo
- b. Destornillador normal
- c. Destornillador de estrella
- d. Alicates
- e. Tenazas
- f. Cortaalambres
- g. Pinzas de presión
- h. Escuadra
- i. Nivel
- j. Sierra de mano
- k. Sierra para metales (con marco)
- l. Radial
- m. Perforadora
- m. Plomada
- o. Cinta de acero retráctil
- p. Sierra ingletadora
2. Demostrar la habilidad de clavar por lo menos 6 de 10 clavos en madera, sin doblar el clavo.
3. Con una perforadora, perforar un hoyo en un tablero e instalar un ancla (tarugo) y tornillo.
4.Install two screws in wood. Show ability to use both regular and Phillips types of screw drivers.
Demonstrate ability to rewire a simple plug--as installing a new plug on a lamp cord or repairing an existing one.
Using square and handsaw, demonstrate ability to saw a board at right angles.
Describe how to hang a picture, including the tools you would use. What would you do differently to hang a 35-pound picture than you would to hang a 2-pound picture?
Prepare a simple tool box. Use of actual tools is encouraged, but pictures may be used instead.
- a.
What points should be considered in selecting a container for your tools?
- b.
Why is it important to buy good quality tools even if it means fewer tools?
- c.
Give at least one use for each tool you select for your tool box.
- d.
How should you care for your tools?
What should you do if you discover a broken water pipe?
- a.
If electricity is involved?
- b.
If electricity is not involved?
Demonstrate how to replace a worn faucet washer.
What should you do if a drain becomes clogged?
- a.
What is a plunger? How would you use it to open a clogged drain?
- b.
What precautions should be taken when using chemical drain openers?