Investiture Achievement/Friend/Nature Study

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Friend/Nature Study

Investiture Achievement/Friend/Nature Study/en/requirement 1a

Because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.
Romans 1:19,20 (NKJV)

Nature reveals God's wisdom and ingenuity. As scientists learn more about nature, it seems even more incredible. Every aspect of nature is complex and clearly reveals that it is the work of a Master Designer, not the result of random chance. Our God is a god of order. He has established the laws of physics upon which the natural world operates.

Investiture Achievement/Friend/Nature Study/en/requirement 1b Genesis 1 reveals how God created the universe. His pronouncement that everything He made was good demonstrates that He did not introduce evil into the universe. Evil came in only because He allowed His creation to exercise free choice (and thus be capable of love).

In Job 40 and Job 41 God reveals His power over and authorship of the natural world. His wisdom is plainly shown to exceed anything that man can ever hope to attain.

Psalm 24 starts with "The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters."

Psalm 104 uses many nature illustrations to show God's awesomeness and power. Many other Psalms reveal God through nature too.

Investiture Achievement/Friend/Nature Study/en/requirement 2

A fun way to do this is to build an animal/bird feeder by filling a pine cone with peanut butter and then rolling it around in a bowl filled with bird seed.


  • Pine cones (one per Pathfinder)
  • Yarn (18-24 inches per Pathfinder)
  • Teaspoon or tablespoon (one per Pathfinder)
  • Peanut butter
  • Bird seed
  • A large mixing bowl
  • Latex gloves (available in the paint section of most hardware stores).
  • Sandwich baggies


The first step it to tie a length of yarn to the pine cone. This will allow the feeder to be hung from a tree when it is finished.

Then scoop some peanut butter from a jar with a spoon and squish it into the pine cone. When the pine cone is completely coated with peanut butter, roll it around in a large bowl filled with bird seed. Place it in a sandwich bag for easy transport, and then have the Pathfinders throw away the gloves and (or) wash up (including the bowl and spoons).

The Pathfinder should choose a place to hang it at home (or at school). It is best to hang it so that it can be seen from a window. It goes without saying that the feeder should be removed from the baggie before it is hung, but say it anyways. This feeder will attract birds, squirrels, and other animals as well.

You may wish to coordinate this project with the Companion class who must make plaster casts of animal tracks. If possible, select a site where the Friends can regularly see their feeders and the animals can leave tracks.

Trail Friend Friend Ribbon.jpeg

Investiture Achievement/Friend/Nature Study/en/requirement 3

You must complete the requirements listed above this one on the current page.

Investiture Achievement/Friend/Nature Study/en/requirement 4

Collect Seeds

Note that by completing this activity, the Pathfinder is well on the way to earning the Seeds/en honor. Why not make a little more effort and finish it, meeting Requirement 5 of this section too?

If you wish to collect the seeds from the wild, it would be best to address this requirement in the fall. You will also need to be able to recognize and identify wild plants when they are in seed (which is not always easy). Some of the easier seeds to recognize include:

An alternative approach is to collect the seeds from foods the Pathfinders can bring from home.

  • Beans
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Oranges
  • Peaches
  • Plums
  • Cherries
  • Avocado
  • Watermelon
  • Kiwis
  • Strawberries (seeds are on the outside of the fruit)
  • Sesame seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Poppy seeds
  • Chestnuts
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Pecans
  • Filberts (hazelnut tree)
  • Rice
  • Pumpkins
  • Squash
  • Cucumbers
  • Green peppers
  • Olives

Most likely you will need to combine these approaches.


This Wiki has a page with instructions and tips for earning the Amphibians/en and Reptiles/en honors.


A Terrarium

A terrarium (or if it has reptiles or amphibians living in it, a vivarium) is an ambitious project that should be carefully considered first, as it requires a long term commitment by its keeper. It is more expensive than the Seeds option listed above, but it can also be more rewarding. If you do not have any experience setting up a terrarium, go to a pet store and consult a specialist there. They will be more than happy to sell you all the things you need for a successful terrarium, including the animals who will live there.

Note that it is illegal in many states to release a captive amphibian or reptile into the wild, even if it was captured there in the first place. Many amphibians and reptiles are protected, making it illegal to capture them in the first place. Therefore, it is best to buy your animals from a professional rather than capturing them yourself.

Investiture Achievement/Friend/Nature Study/en/requirement 5 Popular choices for Friend include:

Here is a complete listing of the Skill Level 1 Nature Honors: Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Skill Level 1 Nature