AY Honors/Australian Birds/Requirements
Skill Level
Approval authority
South Pacific Division
1. Explain the following:
- a. Which is the largest of the Australian birds?
- b. Describe its nest, including number, size and colour eggs and how incubated.
- c. How fast can this bird run?
- d. Which is the tallest 'flying' bird?
- e. Can you name Australia's only native stork?
2. Are penguins found naturally in Australia and if so, where would you go to observe penguins?
3. Explain the following:
- a. Which bird is known as the "Laughing Jackass"?
- b. To which species does it belong?
- c. What is unusual about the family makeup of this bird?
4. Explain the following:
- a. Name at least 2 birds who incubate their eggs in the ground.
- b. Describe how the nest is built and eggs are laid and incubated for one of these birds.
- c. What is the term which describes this type of bird?
5. Explain the following:
- a. What does the Bower Bird use his bower for and what colour is the Satin Bower Bird known to 'steal' to decorate the bower?
- b. Can you name a Bower Bird which lives in your state?
6. Where does the Lyre Bird get his name and what is special about his song?
7. Explain the following:
- a. Which is Australia's largest bird of prey and what is its wingspan? Can you name another bird with the same wingspan?
- b. What is different about the vision of birds of prey compared to other birds?
- c. What is the fastest bird of prey? At what speed is it known to fly (dive)?
- d. Name another bird, which is not a bird of prey, known for its fast flying.
8. Which swan is native (not introduced) to Australia?
9. Where do the following birds get their name:
- a. The Wattle bird?
- b. The Catbird?
- c. The Butcher bird?
- d. The Whip bird?
10. The Greater Frigate Bird (male) has a throat pouch. What colour is it and what is it used for?
11. Which bird is known as a "Christbird" and why?
12. Name the birds used in Australian emblems.
13. Which bird is famous for its dances?
14. Besides sitting on their eggs or building a mound, there is one other method by which birds incubate their eggs. What is this method called and name one bird which uses this method.
15. How is the cormorant able to dive for food?
16. Australia has a wide variety of native finches. Name 5 including at least one from your state. Describe your favourite and describe where you would go to look for it.