AY Honors/Computing IV - Advanced/Requirements
Skill Level
Approval authority
South American Division
1. Have the Computing III - Regular honor.
2. Submit a report of at least 2000 words about fourth generation computers.
3. Define the following terms:
- a. Bit
- b. Kilobyte
- c. Megabyte
- d. Gigabyte
- e. Terabyte
4. What are viruses? How can we be safe from them?
5. Describe in detail three famous viruses and the havoc they cause to a computer.
6. What is the Internet? How can it influence us in modern life?
7. Enter and describe the content of five educational sites on the Internet. Submit a one-page report about what was learned in each of the sites.
8. Log as an agenda the data of at least 25 people with a database and submit a report that contains the name, address, telephone number, and email address of each person.
9. Research in specialized magazines and submit a two-page report on what the Y2K bug was.
10. Describe the function of the following equipment:
- a. Keyboard
- b. Monitor
- c. Printer
- d. Driver
- e. CPU
- f. Cables
- g. Modem
11. Teach the honor of Computing I to a regular class.