AY Honor Dressmaking - Advanced Requirements

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Dressmaking - Advanced

Skill Level






Approval authority

General Conference

Dressmaking Advanced AY Honor.png
Dressmaking - Advanced
Household Arts
Skill Level
Approval authority
General Conference
Year of Introduction
See also

1. Have the Dressmaking honor.

2. Do the following: sew a seam with finished edges, make darts, gather, bind, top stitch, and make a French seam.

3. Make a neat buttonhole.

4. Demonstrate on another person how to measure for length of skirt and pant, length of sleeve, and length from neck to waistline.

5. Make a blouse or shirt with set-in sleeve and a collar, and explain how you would adjust the shoulders for persons of different build.

6. Explain how to make at least four of the following alterations or modifications in patterns: shorten/lengthen waist, shorten/lengthen sleeve, waist size, shorten/lengthen skirt or pants, and shorten/lengthen blouse.

7. Make a pair of pants or shorts that fit properly.

8. Make a skirt that fits properly.

9. Select from pictures or draw an outfit for yourself that shows proper color harmony and is complementary to your figure.