AJ Abzeichen/Grundlegende Rettung/Anforderungen
Freigebende Autorität
General Konferenz
1. Was ist die Definition von einer Notfallrettung?
2. Zeige, wie man eine Person aus den folgenden Situationen sicher rettet:
- a. Mit einem Stromkabel in Kontakt sein
- b. Ein mit Rauch gefüllter Raum
- c. Brennende Kleidung
- d. Ertrinken mit einer nicht schwimmenden Rettung
- e. Ein Eisunglück
Show three ways of attracting and communicating with rescue aircraft.
Know six indications for the need of an immediate rescue.
Know six procedures to follow before moving a victim from a life-threatening situation.
Know five principles involved in moving a victim from a life-threatening situation
Know the proper ways to help a victim, without assistance, in the following:
- a.
Pulling the victim
- b.
Lifting the victim
- c.
Assisting a victim in walking
Know the proper way to help a victim, with assistance, in the following:
- a.
Chair carry
- b.
Fore-and-aft carry
- c.
Two-handed and four-handed seats
- d.
Blanket carry
- e.
Three-man hammock carry with victim in supine and prone position
- f.
Three- or four-man lift
- g.
Six-man lift and carry
Know how to properly use a stretcher and carry a victim on a stretcher. Know how to make an improvised litter.
Know how to properly use ropes and knots as follows:
- a.
Tie knots for joining ropes together
- b.
Tie knots for shortening a rope
- c.
Tie knots for use around a person for a rescue
- d.
Coil and accurately throw a light and a heavy 50-foot (15.2 m) rope.
What steps should be taken before reporting a lost person? What information will be needed when reporting a lost person? How is a search for a lost person conducted in a wilderness area?