Respuestas para la especialidad JA de Soldadura

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Asociación General

Welding AY Honor.png
Actividades vocacionales
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción
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Identificar todas las partes de lo siguiente:


Soldadura y corte de soplete / soldadura a gas


Medidores de oxígeno y acetileno y sus diferencias

The pressure regulators enable the user to reduce the high pressure contained in the cylinder to a usable working pressure. There are several handling and set up procedures that are important to the overall operation of the pressure regulator. The pressure regulator on each tank shows two things:


Mangueras de oxígeno y acetileno y sus diferencias


Tanques de oxígeno y acetileno y sus diferencias


Explicar las presiones de seguridad en el trabajo con oxígeno y acetileno, a la par de las instrucciones de su instructor, durante diversos procedimientos.

  • Proper eye protection must be worn (shaded torch welding / cutting glasses)
  • Proper non – flammable coveralls must be worn
  • Remove butane lighters from pockets

  1. Put on proper eye protection and protective clothing
  2. Open the torch fuel valve no more than ½ turn
  3. Position the tip of the torch down and away from your body and hold the striker in your other hand so only the head of the striker is in front of the torch tip
    Practice using the striker with the fuel shut off
  4. Use the striker to light the torch
    Never use a lighter, matches, or other burning material to light the torch
  5. Adjust the torch fuel valve until the flame gives off little black smoke
  6. Slowly open the torch oxygen valve to create a neutral flame

Neutral flame: (equal amounts of oxy/acetylene) has a rounded white inner cone used for fusion welding steel.

Carburizing flame: (less oxygen) has a longer feathered blue inner cone a slightly carbonizing flame is used for brazing.

Oxidizing flame: (excessive oxygen) has a short pointed white inner cone used for special purposes such as brazing with bronze filler rod.


  1. Shut off the torch fuel valve first, which immediately extinguishes the flame
  2. Shut off the torch oxygen valve
  3. Close the acetylene cylinder valve
  4. Close the oxygen cylinder valve
  5. Bleed the acetylene line by opening the torch acetylene valve until the pressure reads zero on both the high and low pressure gauges
    (If the torch will be left for more than a few minutes and then reused, both lines must be bled before lighting the torch again)
  6. Turn the acetylene pressure regulating screw counter – clockwise all the way out
  7. Close the torch acetylene valve
  8. Bleed the oxygen line by opening the torch oxygen valve until the pressure reads zero on both the high and low pressure gauges
  9. Turn the oxygen pressure regulating screw counter – clockwise all the way out
  10. Close the torch oxygen valve

There will be no horseplay.


Con los ojos vendados, demostrar capacidad para conectar un kit completo de oxiacetileno, incluyendo tanques, medidores, mangueras y sopletes, y encender el mismo.*

This requirement demonstrates one's skill in working in darkness, such as in an emergency. All acetylene connection threads are left-handed, while all oxygen connection threads are right-handed.


A la par de las instrucciones de su instructor, soldar 2 placas de metal de (0.3 cm x 2.5 cm x 20.3 cm) en posiciones horizontal y vertical.


Utilizar un soplete de corte y demostrar su habilidad para hacer un corte en línea recta de 30,5 cm, recortar un círculo de al menos 7.4 cm de diámetro y cortar una estrella de 7.5 cm. Los cortes se realizarán en chapas metálicas de 0,6 cm mínimos de grosor.


Demostrar su capacidad para soldar una pieza de hierro fundido de al menos 0.6 cm de doble bisel soldado a 5 cm de largo.


Explicar las precauciones de seguridad y el equipo de seguridad normalmente utilizados en soldadura eléctrica en relación a los ojos, las manos y zonas de la piel expuesta. ¿Por qué no deberían las válvulas de los tanques ser aceitadas?


The correct safety equipment must be used when using the oxy acetylene equipment or electric welding.

  • Wear shaded safety glasses
  • Use gloves during torch operation and when handling hot metals
  • Follow all safety rules for this and all other equipment


  • You must be trained and authorized before using the oxy-acetylene torch
  • Make sure you do not have a lighter in your pocket – they can explode!
  • Ensure gas bottles are upright and secure at all times
  • Do not allow oil or grease to come in contact with hoses or equipment
  • Perform all welding and cutting in the welding area – ventilation must be turned on
  • Approved goggles and spark resistant clothing must be worn when using the oxy-acetylene torch
  • Do not weld or cut a closed container
  • Make sure the work area is clear
  • Open the cylinder valves slowly – stand to the side!
  • Light the torch with the striker – do not use a match or a lighter
  • When welding, bend the end of the rod to identify the hot end and to prevent eye injury
  • When finished turn off the torch valves, turn off cylinder valves, then go back to the torch and bleed both lines
  • Keep the cylinder caps on when not in use


Explicar la diferencia entre la soldadura de acetileno y la eléctrica de arcos.

Oxy-acetylene welding uses two gases in the process of producing a weld. Acetylene, which is the fuel and is the main source of heat, and oxygen, which is a propellant.

Electric arc welding does not use gas to produce a weld like oxy-acetylene welding does. Electric arc welding uses an electric current to produce its welds. A clamp, with the one side of the current flowing through it, is attached to a base plate. Then the another clamp/nozzle, with the other side of the current flowing through it, is held in a hand. A filler rod is then used to complete the circuit and create the heat needed to heat the pieces of metal being joined and melt the filler rod (used to bind the pieces of metal together).


Demostrar la capacidad para seleccionar un electrodo guía el buen amperaje y un electrodo para diversas clases y espesores de metal.


Demostrar habilidad para hacer soldadura plana, horizontal, vertical y sobre la cabeza (0.3 cm x 2.5 cm x 20.3 cm) en láminas de metal de prueba.


Un instructor es obligatorio. La soldadura es una habilidad muy crítica y seria para aprender y no es curso para el hogar. La soldadura esencialmente toma el lugar de pernos y remaches, y si no se realiza correctamente, es muy peligrosa. Ejemplo: Un remolque o una

maquinaria que no se enganche en condiciones apropiadas, expuesta a la tensión de la tracción o el peso, son una invitación al desastre.

Nota: **Este requisito demuestra la habilidad de trabajar en la oscuridad, como en caso de emergencia. Todas las conexiones de acetileno son rosca invertida (a la izquierda), mientras que todas las conexiones de oxígeno son rosca normal (a la derecha).


  • Steelworker, Volume 1, A U.S. Navy Training Manual. As an original document produced by the U.S. government, this publication is in the public domain and has a lot of information that should be incorporated into this text.