Requisitos para a especialidade de Odonata utilizados pela Divisão Sul Americana
1. Quais as principais diferenças entre libélulas (Anizoptera) e donzelinhas (Zygoptera)?
2. Aproximadamente quantas espécies de libélulas existem no mundo?
3. Citar 5 nomes pelos quais as libélulas são conhecidas em diferentes partes do seu país.
4. Citar 5 nomes pelos quais as libélulas são conhecidas em diferentes partes do seu país.
Describe the five main parts of dragonfly anatomy.
What is the average lifespan of dragonflies, in the larval stage and in the adult stage?
Why are dragonflies considered excellent bioindicators?
Name five different natural prey for dragonflies. Approximately what percentage of their weight does they eat daily?
Name five natural predators of dragonflies.
Describe the eyes of dragonflies and their functionality.
How many times per second can a dragonfly flap its wings?
For how many hours a day can a dragonfly fly on average?
What is the estimated maximum flight speed of dragonflies?
List three uses of dragonflies for man.