Requisitos para la especialidad JA de Pintura de la cara
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Unión Australiana
1. Describir brevemente qué es pintarse la cara. Nombrar y describir al menos tres tipos diferentes de pintura facial y por qué se usan.
2. Hacer una lista y explicar el equipo necesario para pintar caras. Mencionar al menos siete de los artículos básicos.
3.List eight hygiene practices face painters should use.
Paint is classified into two groups. Name them and list at least two brands that fit in each group. Why is this classification important to know?
Describe how you would activate new paint and reactivate used paint.
Explain how to care for brushes.
Demonstrate each type of line used in face painting. (Note: You can use acrylic paint when practicing brush strokes on paper, as face paints can be expensive. Do not use acrylic paint on skin. Use any round tip brush.)
- Tear Drop
- Reverse Tear Drop
- Thin Lines
- Thick Lines
- Swirls
- Double Swirls
- Tiger Lines
Demonstrate and explain how to use a sponge correctly.
Describe how you could use your skill in face painting as an outreach in your community.
Select 10 different designs that you can find on the internet or books that would uphold your Christian standards and glorify God if you were to paint them.
Read the following two verses from the Bible. Then, in your own words, write how these verses would influence how you would paint someone's face.
- a.
Philippians 4:8
- b.
Proverbs 27:19