AY Honor Answer Key

From Pathfinder Wiki
< AY HonorsAY Honors/Christian Citizenship (Other)/Answer Key
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This page contains changes which are not marked for translation.

Skill Level





Approval authority

No Patch.png
[[AY Honors/|]]
Skill Level

You are probably reading this because you did not find your country listed in the Answer Key dropdown menu. You can add your country by following these steps:

  1. Edit the https://wiki.pathfindersonline.org/index.php?title=AY_Honors/Christian_Citizenship&action=edit page by clicking this link (it's best to open this in another tab so you can continue reading these instructions).
  2. Near the top of the page you should find the list of countries listed as answer_variants=.... Add your country here (please maintain alphabetic ordering). Make sure you do not put a space between the two semicolons (;;) and the country name.
  3. Save the page, and click the Answer Key dropdown. Your country should appear. Click it.
  4. This will take you to a non-existant page. Click the create page link.
  5. Enter the text below to add all the formatting and requirements:
{{subst::AY Honors/Christian Citizenship (Template)/Answer Key}}
  1. Save the page.
  2. Open the page for editing again (see the pencil icon at the top right).
  3. Add your answers below each instance of the {{ansreq=...}} text between the <translate> and </translate> tags.
  4. If you need help drop a note in the discussion page. Someone should get back to you in about a day.