AY Honor Household Budgeting Requirements used by North American Division

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Household Budgeting

Skill Level






Approval authority

North American Division

Household Budgeting AY Honor.png
Household Budgeting
Household Arts
Skill Level
Approval authority
North American Division
Year of Introduction
See also

1. What is a household budget and what is the importance of having one?

2. Define the following:

a. Income

b. Expenses

c. Cash flow

d. Loan

e. Usury loan

f. Interest

g. Principal

h. Credit

i. Credit score

j. Investments

k. Tithe/offerings

l. Taxes

m. Inflation

3. Explain the difference between needs and wants. Make a list of your family's expenses and classify them as needs or wants.

4. What can you and your family do to save on utilities? How do any of these expenses vary during different seasons of the year in your home?

5. How can inflation affect a family budget?

6. What are the methods your family uses to pay bills? What other methods could be used?

7. What types of taxes exist in your area (city, state/provincial, federal, income, property, sales, payroll, etc.)? What are taxes typically used for in your region?

8. Explain the difference between good and bad debt.

9. What is interest? How is it calculated? Calculate how much it would truly cost to finance a $5000 loan with a 7% interest rate over 5 years.

10. Investigate what is the interest rate and what are the financial responsibilities in the lines of credit for the following:

a. Credit card

b. Overdraft

c. Student loan

d. Usury loan

11. What measures can be taken when the family is in debt?

12. Consider Proverbs 6:6-8 and discuss the value of having an emergency fund. How many months worth of income should generally be saved for emergencies?

13. Read Matthew 25:14-30 and discuss the value of investing money. Identify at least two methods of investing money. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

14. What are some advantages and disadvantages of using automatic payments (autopay)?

15. Simulate the following (or equivalents):

a. Identify an account and routing number

b. Write and endorse a check

c. Reconcile a bank statement

16. Interview a financial professional or equivalent about personal budgeting.

17. Develop a family budget (this can be done together with parents). Keep a personal budget and record income and expenses for two months.

18. Read Malachi 3:8-12 and discuss what role tithes and offerings could play in a personal/family budget.